Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

NYS said you had to bring a doctor’s letter but today when my H got his shot they said that the attestation he filled out on the form was sufficient (he had the letter from his doctor). When I registered yesterday, they just flipped past my letter but didn’t say anything (I, too, had filled out the attestation online).

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Apparently there are two federal vaccine sites in CA that are vaccinating “educators.” My kid is an educator, but the closest site is 90 minutes away and my kid doesn’t drive. No friends are careful enough regarding COVID to be safe bets to help. Transportation is a big problem for a lot of people and public transportation seems risky, though many have to take it.

San Diego has been having trouble getting Moderna vaccines due to weather issues back east. The Petco superstation, which only offers Moderna, has been closed since Saturday and will stay closed through tomorrow. Most of the other sites offer only Pfizer and seem to have stock. The county is expecting a big shipment this week but have been cancelling Petco appointments and won’t reschedule until they know how much Moderna and when. Our second appointment is Sunday. We’re hoping they get the big shipment before then, and don’t reschedule us. It would seem logical to not mess up more appointments than they need to. But Que Será , Será as Doris would say.

Incidentally, the Petco site is officially drive through but also has walk in capability (we actually parked and walked in for our first shot). There are plenty of public transportation options nearby.

The new Connecticut system is very interesting-

* March 1: Expands to the age group 55 to 64

  • March 22: Expands to age group 45 to 54
  • April 12: Expands to age group 35 to 44
  • May 3: Expands to age group 16 to 34

People will still need to make appointments for vaccines. The dates represent the first day appointments can be made — people between 55 and 64 will have to wait until March 1 to make an appointment.

Teachers, staff and professional child care providers can receive the vaccine in March.

Around 96 percent of all coronavirus deaths in Connecticut were people over the age of 55, according to the state Department of Public Health.

Connecticut previously planned to include essential workers and people with pre-existing conditions that would place them at higher risk for severe coronavirus complications in the next eligibility group. Currently, front-line health care workers, people 65 or older, certain congregate setting residents and staff and long-term care residents and staff are eligible in Connecticut. Previously eligible individuals and settings will continue to be eligible after March 1.

Lamont cited an overly-complex process as the reason to move forward with a simple age-based system.


I like CT’s approach to this. And that they provided a timeline is reassuring, people know how long they have to wait.


Yes, I posted about CT upstream. I completely agree that this makes the eligibility issue very easy and not complicated. And everyone (where approval is currently in place) will be eligible by May.

Let’s hope the vaccine supply can keep up with the demand!


Just found this - a petition to include type 1 diabetes in the MA rollout. Petition · Include People with Type 1 Diabetes at the Same Level as Type 2 for COVID Vaccine in MA ·

Which is pretty useless because it is impossible to get an appointment in MA, even if you are eligible. I estimate that between last Thursday, yesterday and today (so far), I have clicked on available appointments and filled out forms about 50 times only to be kicked out because the appointment is gone. And it doesn’t remember anything. You have to start over from scratch every time. I am getting real good at typing my husband name, address, birth date etc, really fast, but apparently not fast enough yet.

I am glad to see that type 1 petition in MA but want to see one in CA where my kid is!

@me29034 I found two appointments for a vaccine in MA last week. PM me and I can tell you how I did it.

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Thumper it was your post that informed of these new changes, and I wanted to report with a little more info from the article…I hope it goes smoothly, let us know, thanks.
I hope Philly is watching closely.

@compmom I can’t figure out how to pm you. I know you went through Walgreens. We actually tried yesterday and got as far as finding an appointment and reserving the first shot. Then it said that there is no time available for the second shot and therefore you can’t do the first one after all. There were many appointments showing available but no way to reserve them. Apparently there something wrong with the Walgreens website. They actually had a segment on the news last night about it where they were talking about how it is impossible for anyone to reserve anything at Walgreens even though time slots were showing. You must have gotten it before the website broke.

When we got our first shot at Walgreens I got the second set up at another one. There is a miles you are willing to travel selection. Cannot remember the limit.

But the website wouldn’t let you just schedule the first shot. You just can’t do it. It bombs out when it can’t find the second slot. There was no way to just do one. We tried that. This may just be MA and may just have been yesterday. We haven’t tried Walgreens yet today because H has the account set up and he is tied up with something else this morning.

Strangely I got it on a Sunday night (I think they got their shipment on Saturday). Our accounts were not even signed in for Walgreens. It said on the opening page ‘we have vaccines’ then I navigated it to location and willing to travel miles.

@me29034 I cannot PM you because your profile is not public.

I got two slots last Friday and I would speculate a shipment had just come in. I tried several community pharmacies that were suggested. I found slots for shots 1 and 2 in Mattapan and Chelsea.

Many stores have the message that they do not have enough supply to do dose 1 because they don’t have enough for your second dose (though you can actually schedule dose 2 elsewhere, as you can see on the site).

Clearly they are prioritizing finishing the 75+ group and their second doses, which is a good thing.

When a supply comes in, which is unpredictable, there are more slots for doses 1 and 2.

To save frustration, if one time slot says you cannot get doses 1 and 2, then all of them will, at that particular store.

I have written before that the slots tend to be in lower income minority communities with all the ethical dilemmas those entail.

I met with an allergist today. Considering waiting for J and J at this point, so I have to be even more patient!

I feel very optimistic about this age roll out. If there is vaccine availability and enough folks to administer it, everyone 16 and up could be done before summer.

That would be fabulous…and would certainly help get all of our 16 year old and up students back to school in the fall…assuming enough get the shots. It would also make summer camps better because at least the high school and college age staff would potentially be immunized.

This will be interesting to watch in real time!


They just opened up Safeway appointments here and using their website to pick a store using various zip codes did finally get us and our friends appointments in the next 2 weeks. A bit clunky to locate one with open appointments but after that the registration was easy.


My parents got Gillette in MA. I’ve heard that going on late at night can be good, but maybe that was when mostly seniors were eligible…

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This is pretty good news. COVID-19 vaccine makers tell Congress U.S. supply will surge soon

"Executives from Pfizer Inc, Moderna Inc and Johnson & Johnson - speaking at a hearing at the U.S. House of Representatives - said they would be able to supply enough vaccine to have fully inoculated 130 million people in the United States by the end of March.

The drugmakers also reaffirmed their commitments to supply more than enough doses necessary to vaccinate all Americans by the end of July."


Yesterday we were picking up some prescriptions for my husband and were behind an elderly gentleman in line. He was asking the pharmacist about vaccines. She replied that they didn’t have any. They are on the list to get them but don’t know when they will be allocated some. He asked if he could be called when they came in. She said no, you had to go online and make an appointment. He said he didn’t know how to do computers. She asked if he had family members who could help and he said no. This poor man is probably not going to get one for a long time. This system is so messed up.