Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

The seniors in our town are being helped by our senior center.

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How do they reach out to all seniors? Do they reach out to seniors that do not use their services? What about the seniors that don’t answer their phone because they have been conditioned (by their children and news and such) to scammers?

I don’t know if the system is messed up as much as it is naturally and logically an imperfect system because it is literally involving the entire population (minus children).

Governor Windsock of MA (Charlie Baker) has flip flopped yet again and is now giving vaccine BACK to hospitals. Hoping he gets whiplash and gives vaccine back to local health boards as well. The more distribution sites the better, would take the burden off the mass vax sites and take the anxiety away from those who are intimidated by going to mass vax sites.

I live in a small town. They put the word out that if you needed help or knew anyone who needed help to call our town hall and they would help you set up an appointment.

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But there are no appointments to be had. You go to the state website and everything is full. I know that there are random openings and people who are super vigilant are finding them and signing up, but they can’t have someone volunteering to do this at a senior center because they won’t be able to find appointments either. They’ll just keep saying “I’m sorry, I can’t find anything”.

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Our senior center is also helping, but in our area many ‘vaccine hunters’ have popped up
groups of people, some run by HS students who are helping seniors sign up for vaccines. Our Nextdoor and HS parents’ FB page are getting the word out.


There are appointments around here because new sites are opening up a lot!

Don’t know if my city just has a bunch of anti vaxers or if the supply is catching up to demand for our neck of the woods, but I looked at my county’s website for appointments yesterday at 4:00. Normally appointment slots are filled within 15-30 minutes of the site being open at around 10 am on Monday/Tuesday, but there were still open slots at 4. In fact, just checked and there are still open spots for this week.

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@compmom How did you get the Walgreens site to allow you to look further than 25 miles away from your home? It seems preprogrammed for that I can’t find a way to change it. There is only one pharmacy within that distance for us and it is full. Mattapan and Chelsea are farther than 25 miles and I can’t figure out how to even see them.

If you wait another month or so, the demand, rather than the supply, will become the issue.

You and your community are very fortunate - the majority of cities and towns are not at a place where supply is that available or plentiful.

Keep this in mind for all those terribly frustrated and throwing up their hands at the roadblocks or process.

@kelsmom made a very poignant post on the Say It thread. One of our most valuable assets now is the most basic - neighbors. Neighbors looking out for each other.

There is no one solution. But in addition to a community plan we ALL need to hand out a large dose of compassion and outreach.


Our country in CA is only vaccinating 65+ and healthcare workers according to the web. This morning I read that 40% inmates has been vaccinated . Not exactly sure how it was possible if it’s not the group that is eligible now.

@me29034 see if you put your browser in private, if that will let you search farther than 25 miles.

When I look at my states coronavirus dashboard, it says who is eligible for the vaccine. It will say that certain sector populations are being vaccinated. Prisoners may not be specifically mentioned but would fall Under that classification.

Such as military personnel who are eligible to be vaccinated but will not show up on your state’s dashboard.

In my state, Michigan, the biggest outbreak of the new variant is in prisons. Therefore to mitigate spread of a population that isn’t easily able to social distance, it makes sense to vaccinate that group.


@me29034 Put the zip code in. I made a list of all possible zip codes. I have only tried Chelsea, Mattapan and Danvers. They are all full now. I had the perfect appointment at 9:15 in the am but had to give it up. Now I am just waiting for a new shipment.

Both hospital systems I have MD’s in have sent me messages that they will also have appointments.

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Prisoners may not get a lot of sympathy among many people, but one should realize that prisoners do have contact with prison guards and others who work in prisons. An outbreak in a prison can easily spread to the community if those working in the prison bring the virus back to their families etc


Got up early this morning to try to get my mom an appointment with Publix in FL. After 45 minutes I did get in, but they needed the last 4 digits of her social, which I didn’t have. Is that normal? I don’t remember the state health sites asking for it.

Did not need it in Michigan for my mom but did need it in Ohio for my husband. Depends!

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Yeah, kind of realized my question was a bit ridiculous. I’m trying to remove my mom from as much of the process as I can, since it just leads to time consuming questions! :joy: She would spend time analyzing each location.

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They have the ‘official’ list (usually health care workers, the over 70, over 65) but then there are a lot of groups that slip in that aren’t announce (because they don’t have to be), including prisoners in some states, politicians (and their spouses and families).

I know many ‘health care workers’ who work from home and are in personnel, data input, billing who received their vaccines in the first wave. They didn’t want to break up the health care worker definition, but really? That’s pushing it. Here the governor’s husband has received two shots, and he had covid (was hospitalized) at Christmas he does not work for the state.

And then we have a group of firefighters who were eligible for vaccinations, must not have taken them, went to a wedding in Mexico, something like 10 tested positive for covid and now have to be off work. The department has to pay overtime for others to work those shifts.