Covid vaccines roll outs in your state or location

The American Red Cross is reporting that 20% of its blood donations from unvaccinated people show covid antibodies-good news as we are closer to herd immunity


Maybe some of those who donated blood had covid early on, or asymptomaticā€¦and thatā€™s why they have antibodies.

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I think many were asymptomatic and did not realize they had covid, since a bit less than 10% of Americans have received a covid diagnosis. So the 30 million diagnosed cases here might really be 60 million cases, which added to the 110 million vaccines given, covers a substantial portion of the adult population.


A colleague of DH had Covid last March. He gives blood every 3 months and a year later still has antibodies per Red Cross testing.

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On the hunt in CA for a vaccine for my husband. He was eligible as of yesterday. He is 63 and has a qualifying health condition (or two). He is enrolled on the county website waiting his turn. In addition I check CVS and RiteAid every day.


@tx5athome When we were all trying to get D1 an appointment after teachers became eligible in California we found that appointments were released either late in the day or very early morning. She was able to get an appointment for Pfizer last week at a CVS, but had to drive about 20 miles to get the vaccine which she didnā€™t mind at all.


I was able to schedule appointments for family members in CA by constantly refreshing my turn website or CVS website. They open appointments throughout the day and you need fast fingers to grub them. I hope you will be able to schedule appointment soon

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@tx5athome Do you have Walgreens giving vaccines in your area? I pretty easily got an appointment for my daughter at Walgreens in San Diego a couple of weeks ago. IIRC, they only book three days in advance and release appointments either 6 or 7am. I may just have been super lucky, but I was shocked I got her an appointment on the first try, and only 10 mins from her apartment. Good luck!

How many of the 47% of the fully vaccinated actually qualified vs. just ā€˜self attestedā€™ to their qualifications. Iā€™m surprised 47% of any area would be eligible (before the new tier adding 4.4 million Californianā€™s to the eligibility list was put into place on March 15th). I am very familiar with the SF/Oakland mass vaccine sites. ANYONE can get vaccinated there. You just need to answer the screening questions in the appropriate manner. Appropriate meaning - whatever the criteria for qualifying might be at that time. You donā€™t need to tell the truth you just need to give the answer that works.

I have had success in CA by repeatedly checking the CVS site throughout the day pretty often. I was able to secure appointments for 2 who needed them on Sunday. If you are able to travel a little ways, try a few different zip codes too. Itā€™s exciting to see eligibility start to open up in CA!

ETA- I see my post was unnecessary! Seems like a lot of us have had luck with the pharmacy chains and refreshing. I should have read subsequent posts.

I see your point. I also see the value in getting vaccines into arms as fast as possible. Too many complicated steps will slow our state down even more, I fear. There is no perfect.


Ohio announced 40 and over starting this Friday and 16 and up starting March 29.

I think things are about to get wild


This just makes me deliriously happy! It feels like such progress!


RI officials are apparently saying that they are not receiving enough doses to open up to everyone on May 1.

Given that vaccine distribution per population is not that different between states*, it looks like states are choosing differently here. For the forum demographic (higher SES, better computers / network access / information on how to compete for vaccine appointments), the free-for-all may be better, but that may not necessarily be better on a population basis in terms of getting the most vulnerable or most exposed people vaccinated first.

*Different levels of vaccine refusal may have some effect on the demand side, though.


Iā€™ve had the same experience in my Bay Area countyā€”no complaints, efficient communications and operation at my vaccine site.

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Folks can sign up by the new closer deadlinesā€¦and that is good. It doesnā€™t mean everyone will have an appointment the next day or even the next weekā€¦but they can watch out for availability and make appointments when they become available.

I view this as a good thing.

Absolutely correct about vaccine refusal. While you can lead a horse to the creek, you canā€™t force him to drink. Some states where percentage of antivaxxers is quite high are seeing deceleration in vaccinations rates while states with high % of pro-vaccine folks canā€™t keep enough vaccine on the shelf. My husbandā€™s much younger coworkers (not in any special groups) in one such state are puzzled as to why he canā€™t get a shot in his home state.

I think that is spot on. In states with more vaccine refused they can go down in age group quicker.
Iā€™m in Ca and in my county they are moving down slowly but everyone I know who is eligible has been able to get appointments.
Iā€™ve been checking on CVS and I noticed the other day that the only places with appointments available were towns in the Central Valley. This area is conservative and that might be the reason why they are filling slots slowly.
I have noticed that some counties are opening up the health conditions to a wider number of medical conditions.

I donā€™t see a lot of vaccine reluctance in CT and everyone here will be eligible on APRIL 5.