CP SLO Fall 2022 Transfer Major Choices


Trying to help my CA Community College JR transfer student choose a major at CP. Environmental Management Protection and Forestry/Natural Resources are very similar. I see that Forestry has about a 33% admit rate for transfers vs Envir. Mgmt is only 16%. Should he let that be the deciding factor for his major choice?

He could probably be happy with either major, but Envir Mgmt seems more broad. I read he would have to complete 1 quarter at CP in order to request a major change.

He will have all the Major Specific Transfer Criteria except under Major Related 1 he will not have Soil Science. He will have Calc, Stats, Chem 1, Bio 1&2, Geology and Physics.

4.0 GPA
60 units completed, 74 by Jan 2022, 87 units by June 22
Golden 4’s: A, A, A, A
Not Local, but S. Calif
AA-T: No
Work 20-25 hrs per week, not major related

Would appreciate any feedback on Major Choice and probability of acceptance.

Would he be equally happy in either? If so, I’d probably choose Forestry.

That said, the projected percentages only tell half of the story. They don’t tell the strength of the applicant pool or yield for the major. I’d expect they’d be similar, but no one knows.

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I think your numbers are off in the acceptance of these majors. You have to remember that more students are admitted than actual spots but unfortunately SLO does not list yield. If you take the College of Environmental Science and Ag admit rate of 28,7%, then the acceptance rate for Environmental Management and Protection could be has high as 46% and Forestry close to 95%. That said, he should select the major he would like to pursue for day 1 especially since he has an excellent GPA and will be very competitive.

So going off the Fall 2021 Planning Estimates On the Enrollment Projections is not an accurate assumption? 81 Transfer apps with a 13 student yield, 16% admission, is incorrect cause the 13 transfer yield is after acceptance, not actual number admitted for the major?

I think Envir Mgmt is his #1. Will follow your suggestion and for go for that and just hope that what is meant to be for his path will shine the way. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think he would be slightly happier with Envir Mgmt, ideally with an Ocean or Marine concentration/minor. He absolutely loves his Oceanography class.

81 is projected applicants and 13 is the projected enrolled so in general they admit more than 13 transfer applicants. Since SLO does not list how many they actually admit, I use the acceptance rate for the College as a whole.

He should choose the one he really wants and have a backup school he likes just in case.

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