Cramming for APEURO in 1 month

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm going to cram for APEuro by reading only Modern European History by Viault and PR AP Euro. How many practice essays should I write to get 5? What score do you guys think I'm likely to get??? Helpful links/cram packets greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Cramming with MEH + PR is great! ha, just make sure you read them as much as you possibly can, and you’ll be great!
I would practice a few DBQs, as FRQs are fairly basic.</p>

<p>I’m going to be going on YouTube from time to time to study for APEH watching documentaries on certain topics. Though it’s honestly just going to be about reading MEH a couple times and then cramming on EH Crash Course (or PR in your case).</p>

<p>I found these videos very helpful:
[European</a> Civilization, 1648-1945 | Yale Video Course](<a href=“]European”>Online College Courses & Accredited Degree Programs - Academic Earth)
[Modern</a> Civilization from 1750 - Present | UCLA Video Course](<a href=“]Modern”>Online College Courses & Accredited Degree Programs - Academic Earth)</p>

<p>Obviously you don’t have time to watch them all, but some may be a good review or introduction for topics you don’t know very well.</p>

<p>Well, I didn’t get a 5 but I got a 4 last year and I didn’t start studying until 4 days before the test. I used PR and Crash Course if that helps!
My teacher was ok… but definitely not great. We didn’t even have a textbook. So imo, you don’t even need to do all that extra stuff, just read PR carefully and use crash course right before!</p>

<p>Whew… I was so worried because I had to work everyday during spring break and that was time I planned to study. Thanks guys for the feedback! I feel so much more reassured now because I don’t want to fail every single one of my APs !</p>