<p>I just wanna say I'm applying to every imaginable top university in the US (Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Columbia, Berkeley..), Canada (Queen's) and England (Oxford, Cambridge).</p>
<p>I'm in 11th grade, doing the International Baccalaureate (just started). I live in Switzerland, just moved here from London.</p>
<p>My grades are average to bad, especially in the sciences.
I still have two years to improve though! I know I can ace every class, get As, get loads of extracurriculars (rugby, debate team, something else..) in that span of time, enough to make me desirable in the Yale admission officers' eyes.</p>
<p>Until now to be frank I have been a lazy student with average grades. People have told me since I was a kid that I could ace everything if I worked.. Well I started working last year, and my grades have gone up. I'll post my mock GCSE results tomorrow to give you an idea (mostly As by the way).</p>
<p>Anyway people say I'm aiming way too high with Harvard etc, but regardless of what they say I'm still applying there. There is no way I'm aiming lower. Sound crazy? Might be. But I am willing to forego sanity if it means success in the end.</p>
<p>Is 10th grade that important for universities? Nah I don't think so. People place way too much importance on these early years.
If I ace this year and the next, and finally 13th grade as well, and get some hooks, I know I'll be more than eligible for the likes of Princeton.</p>
<p>I know I can do it. I know I will do it.
Nothing and no-one can convince me otherwise. This is a goal I've set for myself and I'm going to achieve it, regardless of my past. </p>
<p>(will post my grades tomorrow. now sleep)</p>