credit card not working

<p>I keep getting an invalid number message!!!! My parents ordered a new card and it still doesn't work. Did anybody else have problems with paying for part I? I'm nervous to keep entering the number b/c i don't want the card to be charged more than once. I hate this!</p>

<p>Has your parents new CC been activated after receipt? A call to the CC company sounds in order, as yes, pressing the submit button might end up being rather expensive. Deep breath. Tomorrow will allow checking by phone on the problem. Best to you.</p>

<p>the crad has been activated and i contacted thea dmissions office which reffered me to online technical ssiastance which referred me to the admissions office!!!</p>

<p>never mind figured it out. i bet this is a test. like only those who can figure out the credit card number configuration are good enough for columbia… or they just have a poorly desgined payment page. there wasn’t even a choice for credit card type</p>

<p>Glad you were successful. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>That should be “have your parents” too. Geesh, and on a college forum. LOL.</p>