Credits for sophomore standing?

<p>I tried looking on the website but I can’t find it anywhere- does anyone know how many credits is considered sophomore standing? I saw somewhere that it might be 24 for but that seemed a little low so I’m just checking here :slight_smile: Thanks!</p>

<p>i think 30 is the norm but i don’t have a link for you.</p>

<p>I believe that you have to have 30 or 31 credits for soph standing.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure it’s not 24 because that is not enough to be on track for graduating in 4 years.</p>

<p>Oh okay, that’s closer to what I expected- I think I will be coming in with 38 so that should probably be enough. Thanks!</p>

<p>38 is more than enough… :)</p>

University of Alabama students are classified as follows:
Freshman 0–30 semester credit hours earned
Sophomore 31–60 semester credit hours earned
Junior 61–90 semester credit hours earned
Senior 91 or more semester credit hours earned</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>It depends on the total number of credits needed to graduate. Divide total by 4. If 120 (typical), then 30 is sophomore standing. Some institutions will count 24 as sophomore standing if 12 credits per semester is considered full time. That being said, you’d be expected to make up those 6 credits at some point to stay on track. As “mom” says, 24 per year is not enough to graduate in four years (with 120 credit requirement).</p>