Crime at Cornell?

<p>I've been looking at the cuinfo page, and noticed that there seems to be a lot of crime on and around campus. For those of you that are there, is it noticeable, or am I just thinking its a lot because its all on one webpage? </p>


<p>Crime and Ithaca just don’t mix at all…</p>

<p>I occasionally get e-mail about robberies at college town, but nothing bad actually happens. It’s not unusual though, and I don’t worry about it that much.</p>

<p>When I was at Cornell…I noticed that most of the robberies happened to people who left windows open, doors unlocked or were walking around collegetown alone in the wee hours of the morning.</p>

<p>Just use common sense…close windows when you’re not around, keep your doors locked, and avoid walking alone at night (be with friends or take advantage of the escort service).</p>

<p>Don’t go out after dark or the bloods of ithaca will pop a cap in ya.</p>

<p>There is crime in Ithaca as there is crime in nearly every other town. One of the suburbs of my home city was ranked number 1 the ‘safest towns in America’ and there was just a recent murder.</p>

<p>There are thefts, but that is mainly due to negligence on the part of the victim. Don’t take the back roads at 2 am on a night out unless with a group of friends, don’t be an idiot and leave your doors/windows open/unlocked when you go to bed, and you should never have a problem. Of course, one should never say never, but you get my drift.</p>