When I was thirteen I was an idiot and was given a ticket at school for the possession of marijuana. My question is will my ticket affect my work chances? Can I get into college? Am I still eligible for financial aid?
I would not be concerned about it because of your age when it happened (under 18) and because it was your first offense. Those records are likely sealed, and may have been expunged. Unless you were convicted of possession as an adult (almost unheard of at 13), you are still eligible for financial aid and work.
For obvious reasons I’d stay away from drugs, and from alcohol until you are 21. You can lose you eligibility for loans with any drug conviction from 1 year to indefinitely.
You can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 800-433-3243 to confirm.
Whether you get into the college of your choice will depend on the usual factors - grades, test scores, essays, etc.
Juvenile records are sealed by law. It would be illegal for anyone to obtain them, and if someone was dedicated enough to somehow obtain them and use them against you, you could sue for a lot of money. Plus, no one’s going to care what dumb things you did at 13. I’ve done worse. The only thing a college is interested in is your grades and SAT/ACT scores. If you’re eligible for college, you’re eligible for financial aid.
Thank you