alright, i have a dilemma. I'm applying to georgetown, and they recommend SAT II scores. however, i've done really bad ( 590,510, and 640). and i have one more chance to retake the SAT's...should i retake my SAT II's and send in my 29 on the ACT...or retake my SAT I and send in my new scores for SAT IIs</p>
<p>Well it really depends on how well you do on the next SAT I and II</p>
<p>This is one of those moments where you are on your own.
But no matter what you choose, don't give up your hope! :j</p>
<p>Retake the SAT's.</p>
<p>You are in quite a situation. When a college recommends SAT IIs, that means that they will take them into serious consideration when evaluating your application. If neither your SAT or your SAT IIs are strong, then don't send either. Just send your ACT. A 29 is 95th percentile, which isn't bad at all. If you didn't do horribly on the SAT (you probably want to have scored higher than 1900), then retake the SAT IIs and send the SAT and the SAT IIs (provided that you did better). If your SAT isn't above 1900, I would just stick with the ACT and make sure that you put your best foot forward by writing exceptional essays that really show your interest in the school (mention certain classes that are unique to Georgetown and professors that you want to study in/under). Best of luck!</p>