Critical Reading scores

<p>Hi, I was wondering if on most SAT tests you can get -2 in Critical Reading and still get 800. I know for sure that I missed at least one question on the January 2009 test, and I was wondering if I can miss more than that and still get a good CR score.</p>

<p>Can -5 still be like 730 or something? Thanks...</p>

<p>Yep. I missed exactly 2 and got an 800.</p>

<p>And now that I looked up my score reports, the first time I took it, I missed 4 and got a 750. So yeah. You’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Thank you wjhsxc</p>

<p>missed 4, as in omitted, or wrong?</p>

<p>Wrong; I only skip questions if it’s math.</p>

<p>A -2 on CR has always been an 800, at least on the QAS tests (see the link to the qas curves pdf in [this</a> thread](<a href=“]this”>please predict my January '09 score - SAT Preparation - College Confidential Forums) …</p>

<p>Also, -5 has always been at least 730.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that -5 is actually 4 wrong and -4 is actually 3 wrong… </p>

<p>Is this what the scores would be then?</p>

<p>800 for 1/ 2 wrong OR omitted(-1 or -2)</p>

<p>790-760 for -3/-4 (arrived at by 3 wrong OR 3 omitted, or 2 wrong with 1/2 omit)</p>

<p>730-750 for a -5 (which can be arrived at a few ways…4 wrong/ 3 wrong omit 1)</p>

<p>From the pdf, here are the average scores and the range of scores (in parentheses) for CR, for a given raw score (67 maximum).</p>

<p>67 800 (800-800)
66 800 (800-800)
65 800 (800-800)
64 790 (780-800)
63 770 (760-790)
62 760 (740-770)
61 740 (730-760)
60 730 (720-740)
59 720 (700-730)</p>

<p>Yes! I got 65 out of 67 qs correct, and got an 800.</p>

<p>i am still uncertain to say this… but i have a good feeling about my CR this January test…
Best of luck to myself and all of you who did the test this January!!!</p>

<p>i am still uncertain to say this… but i have a good feeling about my CR this January test…
Best of luck to myself and all of you who did the test this January!!!</p>



<p>Definitely not. In March 2008, my first SAT, -2 = 780. I had -1 and got an 800.</p>

<p>Last December (2008), -2 = 790. That’s what I got.</p>

<p>So it’s quite often -2 =/= 800</p>

<p>^That’s why I qualified it with “at least on the QAS tests” :)</p>