Critical Reading

<p>About how many can you get wrong for CR and still get an 800?</p>

<p>Generally, -2.</p>

<p>-2 as in 8 questions? Thanks.</p>

<p>65/67 raw.</p>

<p>What are u talking about??? 8 questions wrong will never get u an 800. You can miss 2 questions max with everything else correct and get an 800.</p>

<p>EDIT: Why does CC keep switching posts?</p>

<p>lol getting 8 questions wrong would be a -10 and about a 700.</p>

<p>I meant 2 questions wrong. Sorry. I’m pretty sure you knew what I meant.</p>

<p>What about if ones aim is a 600?</p>

<p>-15 or so?</p>

<p>i think even more than -15.</p>

<p>I got an overal 86 percentile on the ssats and my gpa is a 3.75 and im in all honors and only in 9th grade and my interviews went excellent do you think i have a good chance at making choate, deerfield, and hotchkiss?</p>

<p>Wrong thread, papapap88.</p>