<p>Hey guys, i know all of you are super intelligent and I am probably the only person in this entire site who absolutely 'sucks' on the SAT's-especially critical reading. I can never get past 550 on it....i know thats bad!!So I was wondering if any of you are willing to share tricks that you use or basically how you deal with this section on the test. I really really really need your help!!</p>
<p>You need to include more information. Do you struggle with sentence completions or reading? Do you usually finish the test?</p>
<p>i ALWAYS first answer the questions that are like vocab questions, for example “The word QUIXOTIC in line 2 most likely means…” and then just guess based on context clues. after that i refer to the lines instead of reading the whole thing. if you read the whole thing you’ll get bored and forget, but if you JUST read what you need to for the questions, you’ll do fine (700+)</p>
<p>Ice - very good strategy…hopefully I can get 800 C.R.
math - 800 for sure…
Writing - 750 (goal) T-T</p>