Anyone know where/how to find this data?
The only source that I know is ‘’.
It compares the students’ preferences, for students who were admitted to two schools, by attending that school.
Some say their data are old and do not reflect the current situation. I also saw some discussions on reliability of their data due to the dependency of srudent supplied data. But as I said it is the only tool thet I know.
The only source that I know is ‘parchment’.
It compares the students’ preferences, for students who were admitted to two schools, by attending that school.
Some say their data are old and do not reflect the current situation. I also saw some discussions on reliability of their data due to the dependency of srudent supplied data. But as I said it is the only tool thet I know.
@dodosol is right to mention the weakness and unreliability of Parchment data.
The only source that I know is
It compares the students’ preferences for students who were admitted to two schools by attending that school.
Some say their data are old and do not reflect the current situation. I also saw some discussions on reliability of their data due to the dependency of srudent supplied data. But as I said it is the only tool thet I know.
Sorry, apparently there was a glitch in the system.
I’m genuinely curious about why this information is important. Intriguing, yes. Valuable to schools, perhaps. To applicants? This is what I don’t know and would like to. Is it about predicting that if you get accepted to X college, you can have a better idea about Y college? Is it about information about how other people choose between two colleges to help guide an individual choice?
Hear, hear, @ChartresBlue