Cross-Listed Courses at Penn

<p>If two courses are cross-listed, they are still graded on the same curve, right?</p>

<p>I'm only asking because some courses are 001 for one subject, but seem to be much higher (like 235) for other subjects.</p>

<p>the teachers don't know what youre taking the course as. everyone is graded on the same scale, UNLESS</p>

<p>there is a mix of grad students and undergrad in a class (400 or 500 level). Sometimes there will be seperate syllabi for undergrads and grad students with seperate assignments.</p>

<p>it depends on the class.</p>

<p>my 200-level lgst course is cross-listed as an 800-level class (wharton mbas) and i'm pretty sure we're all graded equally (not like it matters).</p>