<p>I'm taking two courses at the 400 level. Under the course listing, it says the course is cross-listed as: 8XX. Does this mean I'm taking a graduate course?</p>
<p>Son has taken 400 level courses. 400 level courses are considered undergraduate courses.</p>
<p>Sometimes a course will be taught the same to graduate and undergraduate students, but the grad students (the ones taking it under 8xxx) have to complete some extra projects or papers. You should email the professor to be sure, though.</p>
<p>Look up the course in your course catalog and see what it’s listed under.</p>
<p>I agree with Chuy. There are some courses where undergrads learn the same material but are graded more lightly, and the grad students usually have to write more papers (and longer ones).</p>
<p>Go to your college’s website. Then, go to the online registration page, search under “undergraduate courses” and see if it’s listed there.</p>
<p>If you’re taking the 400 level one, it’s undergrad. If you signed up for the 800 level one, it’s graduate.</p>
<p>I had a few classes which were cross-listed. Generally one of two things happened. Undergrads had a 1 hour lectures and grads had 90 minute lectures, or undergrads would finish roughly 2/3-3/4 of the way through the semester and the grads would have to keep taking the course.</p>
<p>At my school students can fast track to a graduate degree, this means that while they are in undergraduate, they can work towards their graduate degree.</p>
<p>So, for business for example they have to take (using your numbers and making up classes as I don’t remember the exact degree plan.)</p>
<p>400 Marketing for Business, which fulfills the credit for the graduate degree 800 Marketing for Business; but the 400 level is with undergrads, while 800 is with grads</p>
<p>as someone said earlier it is the same class sometimes for grads as undergrads. Maybe there is fast track at your school? Perhaps it is something for you to look into, it may be worthwhile.</p>