CS classes questions

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>Question for ya. I am starting in the fall and my major, as of now, is Electrical Engineering. I am taking CS 1371 in the fall. However, if I find I do not like EE, I am planning on transfering to ISyE. I was looking at the classes for IE and they take cs 1301 and 2316. If I take cs 1371 and 1372, and then end up transfering, I wont have to take 1301 will I?? Will I even need to take 2316? I looked around for pre-reqs and such, but I am just not positive and figured someone here would know.</p>


<p>Pretty sure that you do not need to take 1301, but I don’t know about 2316. Your best bet is to ask your adviser once you are there.</p>

<p>For IE, the requirement is to take 9 hours worth of computer science. If you take 1371, that will replace 1301, and CS 4400 is required for all IEs. Thus you will still need to take another CS class, but it doesn’t have to be 2316 - I know a lot of IEs who took 1331 (intro to java) instead. Hope that helps!</p>