CSAC - Cal Grants (Webgrants)

<p>Under "Award Status Summary" says:
Cal Grant A: Qualified - Not Awarded
Cal Grant B: Awarded - On Hold
Cal Grant C: Not Awarded</p>

<p>When I looked under the total award amount it says...
about $10,000 for Cal Grant A
and about $1,500 for Cal Grant B (for access/book supplies)</p>

<p>I clicked on a link that gave me further details on the award status descriptions and it says for Cal Grant A (Qualified - Not Awarded), "Although you qualified for this award, based on your current school of attendance, it was financially advantageous for you to receive another type of Cal Grant. You are only eligible to receive one Cal Grant type. Please see your financial aid representative with questions."</p>

<p>What I'm seeing is that I received Cal Grant B, which is less money than Cal Grant A-- why is that?</p>

Here is a recent thread with the same question: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/873268-cal-grant-b-qualified-but-awarded-b.html?highlight=cal+grant[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/873268-cal-grant-b-qualified-but-awarded-b.html?highlight=cal+grant&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;