Cal Grant A vs. Cal Grant B

<p>Award Status: Cal Grant A - Qualified - Not Awarded</p>

<pre><code>Cal Grant B - Awarded

Cal Grant C - Not Awarded

<p>So apparently I qualified for both A and B, but the system picked B for me and not A, with the reason that it's more advantageous for me to get B. Does anyone know why this is? How much does Cal Grant B give to a junior year transfer student per year?</p>

<p>where do you see this info?</p>

<p>did you get an email from CalGrant notifying you that your CalGrant has been processed?</p>

<p>Hey, i know why.
You need to log on to your CAl Grant site, and see which college has it been mentioned.
If they have mentioned some college other than UCLA, most commonly USC, you need to call them up and have it fixed.
I have USC on my info, so i havent received anything, but i plan to call them up the first thing once i hear from UCLA.</p>

<p>I saw it on the webgrant site where you login linked to your fafsa app. </p>

<p><a href=“CSAC - Student Landing Home”>CSAC - Student Landing Home;

<p>This was for UCSD, but no award details came with it. I’m just curious as to what the difference is, the explanations I found online didn’t help much, something about freshmen getting 1551 only with cal grant B, but I’m no freshmen.</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted to UCLA and most likely will attend but have not heard from Berkeley yet.</p>

<p>I’ve been awarded Cal Grant A but I need to fill out additional information. I am asked what schools I expect to attend for the 09-10 school year. Would it be fine if I listed both UCLA and Berkeley or will there be some type of conflict?</p>

<p>Has anyone checked their Cal Grant status and seen that it was processed, only to click on their award detail and have “no information for this SS # and award period” in bold red letters?</p>

<p>I am pretty sure I’m qualified for this Grant, and the fact that it’s MIA is scaring me half to death.</p>

<p>Has this happened to anyone only to see that the award appear a few days later?
Any input would be much appreciated. Nervous wreck here.</p>

<p>And I was thinking, even if I was denied wouldn’t at least tell me that on there?</p>

<p>kkiiji… i got the same response as you.</p>

<p>jdecker, yes I had the processing status and now I got the above stated response. </p>

<p>Now does anyone have any idea what it means to have gotten cal grant B over cal grant A as a transfer student?</p>

<p>Award Status: Cal Grant A - Qualified - Not Awarded</p>

<pre><code>Cal Grant B - Awarded

Cal Grant C - Not Awarded

<p>got that as well :/</p>

<p>Here is the description I got from another college’s financial aid website (Occidental):</p>

<p>Cal Grants</p>

<p>The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) awards Cal Grants A and B to California residents as determined by eligibility requirements set by the state of California. </p>

<p>Cal Grant A Entitlement requirements include financial and basic eligibility criteria and a minimum high school GPA of 3.0. Full-time students awarded a Cal Grant are eligible to receive between $7,449 and $9,708 (based on the state budget) as long as they maintain eligibility under state criteria. </p>

<p>Cal Grant B Entitlement requirements include financial and basic eligibility criteria and a minimum high school GPA of 2.0. First‑year students receive a living stipend. Second‑, third‑ and fourth‑year students receive both a living stipend and a tuition grant. Currently, the living stipend is $1,551 and the tuition grant is between $7,449 and $9,708 (based on the state budget) for full-time students. </p>

<p>Competitive Cal Grant A and B Awards awards are similar to the entitlement awards, except that they are not guaranteed. Each year competitive awards are available to those students who did not receive an entitlement award.</p>

<p>I assume the same would go for UC’s. Here is also a link to the Cal Grant site with more info:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@ kkiiji</p>

<p>Just to be sure…
So you originally saw that your application had been processed but had no reward…
and then your award appeared at a later time?</p>

<p>If this is the case, how long was the interval in between?</p>

<p>I need to know when to panic and call.
thank you again</p>

<p>You panic and call after May 1st. </p>

<p>So I suppose for cal grant B I’d get 7750+1551, that’s a lot of money. Yay.</p>

<p>yeah, but you loose your other grants, in this case i loose ,my 10,800 UCI grant, it just doesnt make any sense???</p>

<p>Uhh says who? I had both cal grant A and UCSD grant in my award estimate to begin with. Changing cal grant A to cal grant B shouldn’t really affect my UCSD grant.</p>

<p>I called UCI , UCSB and Davis, they all said they would. Their explanation is there are other kids with financial need, and since im getting my Cal grant, they will give that money to someone else. I didnt call UCSD, but it seems to be the same with all the UCs. Im actully thinking about UCSd too since i got rejected to UCLA, so Ill report back tomorrow.</p>

<p>my calgrant award detail shows that both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are 'pending.</p>

<p>last i checked, on friday, there was ‘no information available’.</p>

<p>i don’t expect to see UCLA’s award summary just yet, but with UCSB, there isn’t even mention of a CalGrant.
do you guys think they’ll just add my calgrant award (or denial of award) to my summary automatically, as it becomes available? or will i have to notify them separately, myself?</p>

<p>cal grant b you get both tuition and the extra 1551. Cal grant B is better.</p>

<p>It will reduce your university grant (UC). Not all other grants but the university grant. </p>

<p>If you got 10k from a UC grant you should still get the difference.</p>

<p>It is almost IMPOSSIBLE for your financial aid package to not include loans.</p>


<p>I am pending for those 2 as well. Hmmm, Cal Grants are pending, UCLA decision is pending… COME ON, UCLA!!! ;)</p>

<p>did you use this link?
<a href=“CSAC - Student Landing Home”>CSAC - Student Landing Home;
did you have to create an account or did you use an existing password and login</p>

<p>Had to create an account. </p>

<p>Wait so if I’m only getting like 2300 in UC grant they’ll lower that as well?? That’s so lame, I thought I was going to get over 19500 for a sec.</p>