CSULB Financial Aid

First Off, When does CSULB usually send out Financial Aid awards?
Second, I have a question about how much i will get. I know you cant tell me exactly how much but can i get an idea if i will get a lot or a little? My EFC is 0 and i want to dorm there. My family doesnt make much money and the Cost of Attendance is about $23k. About how much financial aid could i get? I know i wont get a full ride but i just want an idea of it. My family makes about $14k a year.
Thanks in advance.

Did you use the net price calculator (NPC)? This will give you some idea.


Are you a Calif resident? Do you qualify for Cal Grants ??? Are you a US citizen?

If so, then you’ll likely get:

Cal Grant that will pay tuition.
Pell Grant that will be about $5700
student loan that will be about $5500
You may also get Work Study…if so, stay on top of that and find out from LB when/how do you apply for particular WS jobs.

Plan on working/saving as much as you can over the summer.

You may also get verified and your family may get asked how they survive on only $14k per year.

What if i forgot to verify my GPA for Cal Grant? Can i still receive cal grant money?

If your high school GPA was not sent to CSAC by March 2nd, you are likely out of luck for this year. Contact your high school guidance counselor and then CSAC directly to discuss your options for an appeal if your school legitimately made a mistake.

IF you can’t get the money for this fall, you’ll have no option but ask if you can delay enrollment by a year.

Max Cal Grant for CSU is 5,472. You sound like you are also eligible for a federal Pell Grant of 5,700. You can also get a student loan for 5,500. The CSUs don’t cover boarding costs, only the UCs do that.

Your school hopefully sent the gpa verification, most schools do. If you had to do it yourself and you didn’t you will not get the award.

Most of the registrars of medium to big high schools send the grade verification form to the Calgrant office. But, typically, a form gets sent home first, for your signature (if 18), or your parent’s signature to release that information to the state. If you didn’t do that, you are out of luck. The Calgrant office budgets the money from the state, and needs everything turned in by the students by March 2. Yes, there are exceptions (for severe illness or being out of the country, etc.) but since money is tight, Calgrant admins are sticklers for keeping on the calendars.