Cult of RCfanatic

<p>Yea, if ye have not received enlightenment yet, ye may seek it here: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p>

<p>He hath come among us as does a glorious white flower amongst filthy refuse. The least that each of us, poor pitiful souls that we are, can do is to offer Him our utmost respect and devote ourselves to His cause, whatever it may be. We must offer our thanks for receiving the resplendent blessing of His presence.</p>

<p>Come, let us form a coalition in recognition of His greatness and His benevolence.</p>

<p>holy crap, is that for real? i am most definitely humbly-groveling-on-the-floor-shoe-licking humbled. well there goes one spot, not really something i want to read 13 days before results come out</p>

<p>Dareth not to question his legitimacy as our lord and master.</p>

<p>goodness. I didn’t even think scores/stuff like that was possible. RCFanatic hath definitely made me see the soaring, never-reachable light, a shining beacon amongst us with many flaws. There is no doubt – that transcendental being with stats too holy to be upon my lips will place in anywhere he wants to go. </p>

<p>(TheWerg, I am very impressed by your language! Do you go to church/mass/catholic school by any chance? lol just asking)</p>

<p>Nay, I shalt hold no idols before my savior.</p>

<p>I’m officially disowning you as my sibling.</p>

<p>Email me at <a href=""></a> and I’ll reply.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure we’re all mocking the ■■■■■.</p>

<p>wait ok.</p>

<p>guys i found this kid online (i won’t say his name to protect his privacy) but he’s legit.</p>

<p>HE IS NOT A ■■■■■!</p>

<p>I’m really too stupid/too tired. I thought that RCfanatic was like “Residential College Fanatic”…or that The Werg was just bad at making thread titles, and I thought the point was to idolize everyone on that thread. I didn’t realize everyone was looking at one specific user…:)</p>

<p>Alright, don’t want to see people get bad feelings over this.</p>

<p>Obviously I was being tongue-in-cheek (I don’t generally write in Biblical language), whether he’s a ■■■■■ or not. I have reason to believe he’s not, considering I’ve seen a picture of him with his ScienceBowl team and the name matched up with other achievements he listed, as well as his email address.</p>

<p>I really am incredibly impressed by him, despite the fact that he makes me want to cry myself to sleep at night.</p>

<p>Yeah… I’ll retract my previous post, and I hope that this post can be counted as an apology. </p>

<p>■■■■■■■■ is a common activity encountered on this website, and is a legitimate source of misinformation that disheartens many to be college applicants. However, after further Googling (sorry if I give you that internet stalker vibe), I now understand that my previous statement regarding your position was false and rashly made. I believe that you have no reason to lie regarding your stats, and wish you the very best in your application to Yale University. </p>

<p>In my two and half years on CC, you are without a doubt the best applicant I have ever seen. So please accept my sincere apology. The previous post will be promptly deleted.</p>

<p>RCfanatic, if you’re still listening, what’s it like to have HYPSM as your safeties?</p>

<p>God checks out!</p>

<p>haha at pretty much everyone.</p>

<p>Gryffon, I hate to say it, but welcome to the SCEA paranoia club! we’re a fun bunch.</p>

<p>omg, my best friend’s grandmother says things like “we’re a fun bunch” about her retirement community home. my grandmother probably would if she ever spoke english. i’m losing it!</p>

<p>It’s the SCEA stress. We’re all going crazy.</p>

<p>Holy crap, he hardly even needs to apply! Universities are probably sending applications to him!</p>

<p>Application to RCfanatic
University name:
Collegeboard code:
Are you willing to offer financial aid?:
US News Ranking:
Average GPA of incoming students:
Average SAT of incoming students:
Acceptance rate:
Average class size:
Number of professors who are Nobel laureates:
Extracurriculars you offer:
Volunteering opportunities:
Work opportunities:
Awards you or your faculty have won:
Essay 1- Please tell me, in at least 250 words, about your school’s history and how it contributes to the current status of the institution:
Essay 2- What about your school didn’t show up on this application? Feel free to include bribes you are willing to offer, as well as attractiveness of the women:
Recommendations- Please submit 2 from famous alumni:</p>

<p>Please submit application through Dean of University in person. Interviews will be offered for a limited time only in my hometown, all costs incurred at the applying institution’s expense. Please ask visiting Dean to dress formally, and be prepared to answer questions about your institution’s financial records. Those suffering from Tuft’s syndrome need not apply. An application fee of 10 million dollars is due by 11/15, payable by cash or direct deposit. </p>

<p>lol… I’m sure you’ll get in… unless Yale gets Tufts syndrome…</p>

<p>I can just imagine colleges wringing their hands and wondering whether they’ll get matriculated over on</p>