Curiosity killed the cat...? (Carleton, Grinnell, Mac)

<p>Now that apps are in, I'm curious about your opinions. Usually I'm not one for chance threads but, well, see the title! Plus I find them sort of awkward to write, like I'm just... I dunno, bragging, I guess. Anyway, without further ado, my stats:</p>

<li>applied to Carleton, Grinnell, Macalester, Kalamazoo, Knox. Accepted to Kalamazoo and Knox.</li>

<p>Very small, all girls Catholic high school. Most people stay small, local, in-state... not many people attend "name brand" schools.</p>

<p>3.9 weighted GPA. My school's ... odd. I believe it is just above 3.5 unweighted.
32 ACT
2140 SAT - 760 CR, 660 M, 720 W
770 SAT lit, 660 SAT USH</p>

* Flute since 5th grade. Marching band, wind ensemble, solo and ensemble competitions. A few awards, including a state-level class A silver award and two class A district-level gold awards.
* Debate club - annotator/vice president 11th, 12th.
* Senior Retreat Team. Peer ministry team at my high school. By application.
* KAIROS retreat leader. Also by application. And the best 4 days of your life, but that's another story :)
* NHS (it's a legit club and a legit honor at my school)
* Film Club
* Latin Club
* Young Religious Unitarian Universalists + YRUU conferences ("CONS"). The theme in my app sort of became, "Look, I go to an all-girls Catholic high school but I'm Unitarian!"/my spirituality.
* WYSE (academic team) member. My subjects are biology and English. Teachers just kind of accost you and are like, "You're on the WYSE team! Practice bio!"</p>

<p>Community Service: lots with Habitat for Humanity with YRUU. Fundraising/planning and the actual, you know, building a house bit. :)</p>

<p>Part-time job at Barnes and Noble in the cafe.</p>

NMSF, National Latin Exam Maxima Cum Laude, Illinois State Scholar, Kane County Chronicle Achievement Program, first honor roll, and the flute awards I talked about.</p>

<p>I hope that wasn't too long and boring. Thanks guys!</p>

<p>(oh, does anyone care about the classes I took? I guess it's pretty much every honors course at my school except calc. As you can see from my SAT math, math + magneticpoet = not compatible. :p)</p>

<p>oh, and um… recs/essay? obviously i thought my essay was good, because i wrote it. other than that i really can’t tell you, but i’m inclined to think they were positive.</p>

<p>I had similar stats and was rejected from Carleton last year.</p>

<p>Did you take AP classes? I think your stats are pretty average for those schools, but a lack of “rigorous” classes could hurt you.</p>

<p>alas, my school only offers two. i took one of the two.
but we do have a bunch of “dual credit” courses, and i took all of those. they’re pretty comprable to APs, i guess - USH and psych, for example.</p>