well i must look slightly challenged..

<p>yeah so judging from the "average" ivy league scholars we've got making posts, i figured i'd ask a question concerning my measley stats..</p>

<p>-white catholic female.
-cumberland, rhode island.
-cumberland high school.
-3.1 unweighted gpa
senior classes:
AP english
AP spanish
Honors Psychology
Enriched Pre-calculus
Senior Art</p>

<p>mostly honors classes in HS</p>

610 reading
610 math
570 writing</p>

<p>EC activities:
successful debate team member for 4 years
involved in much community service, volunteer camp counselor, taught CCD to 7th graders (2 years), a student group called SOS (Save Our School) to pass a 30 million dollar bond referendum for improvements to cumberland high (gave presentations fundraisers fourht of july parade phone bank schtuff like that) and a bunch of other random stuff
art classes / senior art (active in the art world)</p>

<p>applying to:
wheaton college (MA) (i'll be getting a recommendation from someone formerly on the board of trustees)
clark university
saint michael's college</p>

<p>uvm or unh probably. and another school that im not sure of. suggestions?</p>

<p>How about Stonehill, Fairfield and Providence.</p>

<p>i'm looking at stonehill next week
and i've looked at PC.</p>

<p>i don't know catholic colleges seem to give off a sterile atmosphere to me, but they've got rediculously good academic standings. and my mom's dying for me to go to PC.</p>

<p>My girlfriend's applying to Stonehill, and honestly, Stonehill and Providence looked really attractive to me, and I probably would've applied had I not already sent all of my stuff in in one giant clump. I'm applying to BC and Catholic U. of America, too bad I can't get into G-Town, Jesuit schools tend to have great academics.</p>