Current and Former students

I come from a family with a decent income and am going to possibly be attending the University of Miami on a scholarship. Did you find you were able to still participate in clubs and going out on limited amount of funds? Also how hard was it for you to get a research position and how would you go about doing it?

There is still plenty of things to do here that doesn’t require money. The school itself offers free events and free tickets/transportation to Miami events. Getting a research position was super easy for me. Just apply with the undergrad research office and they’ll match you quickly.

that sounds good. What about joining clubs and organizations, how much do they usually cost and is there anything you think I should know about the school

Hi, My DS is a junior at UM. It is a very diverse university. There are people who spend a ton of money on off-campus activities and trips and those who don’t. My son is very involved on campus, eats on campus, and is very involved in on-campus activities. Will live on campus all four years. He has found like-minded people and is very happy at the U.