University of Miami

I took a visit to Miami in January and I loved everything about it educationally, but I had some concerns about the social life. I am worried that everything takes place far off campus, like at South Beach, or Downtown, and that there is a heavy club scene. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
(Note; I want a lively social scene, but I just want to get an idea for what this one is like, it seemed quite unique)

I go to UM. A lot of things go on both on and off campus. Clubs and different organizations do have off campus events and people do go clubbing but plenty happens on campus. There’s Cosford that shows free movies, Canes Night Live (which I think is every month) which is in the Shalala Center and it’s free food, T- shirts, and a bunch of cool interactive things. Greek life is really prevalent and there’s always someone throwing a party.

I am the parent of a UM Junior. Miami offers many opportunities for clubs, beaches and trips to the Bahamas for those who wish to do those things. There is a wonderful place called The Grove with movie theaters and cafes where UM students frequent. I live in Los Angeles and appreciate that my student lives in a vibrant city and campus that offers so much in sports, music, etc. As far as the party scene, it is no different than any other college campus and as a parent I believe if you like the social activities and the feel of a large campus, then there is no better place than UM!

Do you think you can comment by comparing and contracting what you know about university of Miami vs USC.? Although we have been educating ourselves, went to the scholarship weekends, we are still trying to differentiate the two schools so my child can make best decision, our current feeling is hat they are so close socially, premed success, weather, pride, student programs, resesrch oops, etc. Any help would be great. My child received the largest merit scholarships from each school so cost is minor difference. .

I have a son whose final decision was between those 2 schools 4 years ago, and another who’s making that choice now (with those 2 schools being involved in the final decision). These are just our observations of the differences - jmo.

  • My younger son wants a smaller school, so UM has 16,000 kids on campus versus 43,000 for USC.
  • USC is growing very quickly - my son has a great friend who’s a freshman there this year. He’s moving to an apartment his sophomore year because he couldn’t get a dorm room.
  • USC has great support for their football team and an on campus stadium
  • Neither school is known for having great dorms
  • Miami is located in Coral Gables, which is a beautiful area with nice restaurants and shopping. There are 2 nice malls just a couple of blocks away. USC immediate area is not as nice.
  • Although traffic on Rt. 1 can be painful, it’s easier to get around in Miami than the LA freeways
    That being said, I don’t think you can go wrong either way. They’re both great schools and your child will be very happy whatever the final decision. The best advice would be to visit them and make a gut call.

Thanks for the response. Your wife ccmom176 corresponded with me on another thread and PM. We spent 2 days at USC and our on campus perception was the opposite of feeling crowded, strange but true. The new Co structure 4-6 Sq blocks of the new village on the north side off campus is impressive, and due to open summer 2017. It will add 50q more housing and other commercial conveniences. I am surprised the sophomore friend could get on campus housing as I thought it was guaranteed for two years. Are you sure that they didn’t receive any on campus, or did they get options that were not preferable to off campus apartment. Also, not sure if you realize that majority of off campus housing is within 1 or 2 blocks of the campus perimeter. Anyway, best of luck in the decisions.