Current BA Theatre Arts major here to answer any questions!

Hey, guys! Since this major is new at Point Park, I’d love to help answer any questions you guys might have and give a brief overview of the program.

A little background on how I ended up at PPU: I was dead set on a BFA Acting program for pretty much all of high school. I went to an arts school as a musical theatre major and quickly realized that while I could act and dance the pants off anyone in my program, I couldn’t belt and that’s all BFA MT programs seem to want these days. :wink: So I auditioned for a ton of schools at Unifieds and ended up getting into some pretty prestigious acting programs; I also got some waitlists and rejections, as one does. However, in all the interview portions of my auditions, I found myself talking at length about my goals as an actor and they all came back around to social change, something I’m passionate about. Of course, at the time, I still had the idea in my head that I could only be successful with a BFA, so I never gave any thought to any BA programs until I interviewed with Point Park. They told me that, while they thought I would be an excellent BFA Acting candidate, they also thought that, with my goals and interest in directing as well as acting in mind, I would be a great guinea pig for this new program. And, as fate would have it, they also gave me the most money out of any out-of-state school I auditioned for, so I committed, not sure if I’d made the right decision.

I’ve been here almost two months and I have to say that I really am happy here. While I’ve considered transferring, it has nothing to do with the program. Only the lack of academic rigor and the lack of a gender studies option, however, I have much to discuss with my advisor about my junior and senior years and my options for a concentration, so I likely won’t be transferring.

The BA is set up totally unlike any other BA Theatre Arts program I’ve ever heard of. We start out with two years on the BFA Acting or MT track, depending on our concentration (there’s a slight difference between BFA MT and BA Theatre Arts - MT I think?). For freshman and sophomore years, you can only concentrate in Acting or MT, but once you get to your junior or senior year, you can begin a concentration or a minor in pretty much anything. Directing, stage management, technical theatre, production, dance, cinema. You can also minor or even double major outside of COPA, or self-design a concentration (my plan).

The rigorous, strong foundation in acting we get as BA’s before we split off as opposed to the liberal arts foundation found in other BA programs is definitely one of my favorite things about my major. As COPA students, we can also take work study or apprenticeships in pretty much any field. My parents wouldn’t let me do work study this year, even though I qualify, but I plan on working in electrics next year, something I’ve always had a lot of interest in.

My teachers are simply amazing. I’ve learned so much in less than two months, it’s honestly crazy. All my teachers have legitimate professional experience; even my adviser has been on Broadway and in feature films. As a dancer, I was kind of bummed that I had 8 a.m. movement class twice a week rather than the daily 8 a.m. ballet class my MT friends have, but now movement is rivaling acting and stagecraft for my favorite class.

I kind of vaguely covered a LOT of points, so if anyone has any more detailed questions, I’d be happy to answer them!


I auditioned for both of the BFA Acting and MT programs and was notified today of my rejection for MT. However, I was waitlisted for the B.A. in Theater Performance and Practices. Could you speak to how this B.A compares to the MT program? Any overlap in class requirements, similar rigor and classes etc.? I attended Carnegie’s MT intensive and really enjoyed thorough musical theater training. After this summer I felt that I needed to look for a musical theater B.F.A that will give me the rigor I need to succeed. Do you think the B.A program would satisfy this?


PS: If you know Sarah Everheart and Michelle Van Doeren, tell them I said hi!

Now that you’ve been there longer, I would love to hear how you are liking it?
Is the acting training in this program truly top notch and rigorous?
What is your general plan for your junior and senior year?
Do you think you could complete in 3 years as they say?

My daughter was just accepted into this program, I would love to know more about it!

Great teachers, however less and less opportunities. The dance majors are now allowed to audition for the main stage shows so almost no BFA students are in the chorus. Some directors won’t even look at you even if you were in a regular show or even a summer show the last year and only had a bit part knocking you out for the entire year. The BA students are given the exact same opportunities so why even for the BFA? Also, hardly any master classes and they do not work around or help you with outside opportunities for work such as Summer stock. You have to be a real go getter and be able to do all of that on your own. They do not check the calendar for Summer stock dates and will schedule their call backs on the same days and won’t let kids go. So your pocketbook and resume could suffer. All things to keep in mind when choosing program if you need to build a resume.

Hi! I recently got admitted to Point Park academically. Next step is to audition for the Musical theater program. I recently also recieved rejection letters to two other musical theater programs. I am interested in Point Park’s program, but as I am doing a little research to see if their even a fit for me seems like they are more focused on the dance side, rather than the acting and singing side of the program. I also recieve admittance into their honors program which makes me even more interested, but I am shying away because of the such high concentration around dance. I’m a dancer of only 6 years under my belt, and I currently am sitting out this year for dance and I sat out last year as well cause I moved away. With that being said, in a sense, I am not very confident in my dance ability anymore at this current moment, but my admission counselor encouraged me to audition even though I feel my ability isn’t all their. I also only took 6 months of ballet classes so that also too plays a factor I feel. I just need some advice before I send in my audition video. Any tips for also being an online audition and more of an insight on how it is being a part of their program.

@tewanaleauren, most people do believe that PP MT is extremely dance heavy but it isn’t. You can audition for the dance minor and if accepted would have dance classes with the dance majors. At PP they work on acting and voice as well. I would say it’s pretty balanced. My daughter is a junior MT.

My D just received academic acceptance to PP. Waiting to hear back on the artistic side - she’s already auditioned. Do you know how long it might take to hear back? Do you know if they wait until March when all auditions are complete? She’s very interested in PP MT so now that she has the academic acceptance she’s anxious to hear the artistic results!

@mthopeful2022, the past couple of years PP has been notifying everyone about mid-March. Good luck to your daughter this audition season!

Thanks @GSOMTMom !

Thanks to all who are answering questions here! We’d love to know more about the community in the MT program. Is it supportive? Competitive? I’m asking this on a few different school threads as this is the aspect of schools that we are having the hardest time finding any information about and yet several people have told us to consider it when choosing a school.

According to my daughter, who is a sophomore BFA MT, the teachers are very supportive and so, for the most part, are the students. Like any school, it’s a matter of finding your tribe. But there’s a ton of talented kids, and casting is very competitive. On the whole, I think she is happy with the training she’s receiving at PPU and her decision to attend there.