Current CS Senior at UMD - ask me anything

I believe that the exemption exams are also offered in the summer but I can’t find the dates. I recommend contacting the CS Dept at UMD

What do you think the quality of CS major at UMD vs other state school such as Rutgers regardless of ranking. Do it think it’s comparable or much better to warrant OOS cost.

I think UMD CS is better, but it isn’t worth the cost difference. I would choose Rutgers.

We’re only able to do orientation in late August. Since course enrollment can’t be done before orientation, is getting courses you want a problem?

Specifically, is getting CMSC 131/132/133 a problem?

Is your student in CMNS or LTSC?
Generally spots are held for incoming freshmen to register during orientation, even in August.

However, bc CS is LEP, it may be that your student may not get into CMSC133

  • see the conditions listed in Testudo
    See Testudo
    Prerequisite: Must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in MATH140.

Restriction: Permission of CMNS-Computer Science department; and student must have earned a 4 on the AP Computer Science A exam or a satisfactory score on the CMSC131 department placement exam.

Credit only granted for: CMSC131 or CMSC133.

Also restrictions for CMSC132
Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in CMSC131; or must have earned a score of 5 on the A Java AP exam; or must have earned a satisfactory score on the departmental placement exam. And minimum grade of C- in MATH140.

Edited to add: if your student meets all the conditions with AP scores, my guess is your student will be able to take one of these.

Congrats on graduation!! Best wishes for happiness, and continued success in the future.


I got rejected from UMD for Fall 2023 and am going to attend UMBC now. Although I am quite happy with UMBC (heard it’s great for government jobs and such), I want to keep my options open. Do you have any advice for external transfers?

I know for CS UMBC’s intro courses don’t transfer, but would getting the other transfer credits (English Composition and Calculus) and taking the Exemption Exam be the best way to go about it (or would I still need the Gateway credits to get in)? I know of MTAP and did want to go through MC, but my parents were against it initially and not sure they’d be okay with me going there now considering we already made the enrollment deposit. Any advice would be much appreciated!

You have a good goal. Be sure to check with pre transfer adviser at UMD. I’m sorry I don’t know more.

Good evening,
No worries! I appreciate the advice to contact the pre-transfer advisor, I did not know there was a contact. I have sent them an email so hopefully I will get more clarification. Thank you again.

Thank you so much!

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Hi All. My son got in UMD in L&S and planning to go for CS. He has met two out of three gateway requirement. Math 140 by AP in High School and CMS-131 by clearing placement exam. Now only CMS 132 is pending with 2.7 GPA.
He is planning to get 19 credits (6 subjects) in his first sememster. He has STAT 400, ENGL 120, FIRE 120, CMS 132 and two gen eds (GEOG 202 and public speaking).
To be admitted to CS starting from Fall semester he needs to get 2.7 and above GPA. He is capable of doing it but is it advisable to take 19 credit? How hard it is to get good GPA with these subjects?