Current Freshman at Purdue - Got Questions About Purdue except Admissions?

<p>Well I'm bored and its break and I want back to Indiana, so I will be glad to answer any questions about anything from greek life (I'm in a frat. so yeah), college life, allowance, athletics, etc.</p>

<p>which frat?</p>

<li>How is the food there?</li>
<li>Is it easy to rent some place to live off campus? (the cost should be less than on campus dorms/apt) </li>
<li>Is it possible to live there without a vehicle? (Is there any Asian/China supermarket/store nearby)</li>


<p>My D wants to attend Purdue (its her 1st choice) How do you like it there generally..How are the academics and social life ?</p>

<p>how hard is it to get tickets to basketball and football games?</p>

<p>are you an engineering major?</p>

<p>"which frat?"</p>

<p>I'm in Alpha Sigma Phi in Tower Acres. </p>

<p>"1. How is the food there?"</p>

<p>If your talking about on-campus, it is really good and the menu is different in every dining hall but after awhile you get sick of it since the rotation of the menu serves the food you had a week or two ago again. The best dining courts are Ford, Earhart, and Windsor. Hillenbrand is going through renovation this spring so who knows how it will be when it reopens, and Wiley is overrated. Most people agree Wiley is overrated also. Ford has just a good menu every time and good food. Earhart has good food too and has the stir fry, and Windsor is more of a vegeterians place but it also has great food especially their pasta. </p>

<p>For off campus food, the food is good too and most places deliver to like 4 am. Theres a ton load of pizzerias like mad mushroom, hot box, pizza hut, dominos, papa johns and all are pretty good and have their specialties. Then theres stuff like chinese from rice cafe which is delicious. Theres alot of places to drink coffee too and theres fine restaurants in the levee area which your most probably going to go to since you get sick of dining court food and delivered food. Restaurants in the levee can be 9 Irish Brothers, Scotty's Brewhouse which is really good but abit overpriced. Theres stuff like Potbellys and others in the levee. Theres Triple X at chauncey also with Noodles and Co. </p>

<li>Is it easy to rent some place to live off campus? (the cost should be less than on campus dorms/apt) </li>

<p>It depends where you go since I'm a freshman I'm not that sure but you have alot of selections to choose from apartment wise. Since theres alot of places, renting should be easy just try not to do it at the end. The popular place I think is College Station which has a bus from campus to CS a few times an hour, and has nice apartments of different room types. From a 1 person to a 2 bedroom, or 3 bedroom. It's not far from campus and is close to wal-mart. If your son/daughter is going to live off-campus by themselves its better to live on campus my opinion. Single apartments are really expensive and you have to buy food and stuff and make lunch/dinner. Its more easier to live on campus in the cheaper dorms like Wiley, Ford, Tark, Cary, Windsor and Harrison and they are cheaper than others like Earhart/McCutcheon since they have no A/C. You would also just have to walk to the dining court for food and not think about buying anything or making. However if you like to cook you can go for Purdue Village or Hilltop. They have a kitchen and have a big fridge/freezer and you can cook your own food on a couple of nights and go to the dining courts on others. It's needed that freshmen living in PV or Hilltop need to have a dining meal plan so yeah. But it ain't that bad. but I recommend PV over Hilltop since you don't have to walk up the hill and Earhart is right near by with Purdue West that is a pickup point for Lafayette Limo that goes to Indy Airport. </p>

<li>Is it possible to live there without a vehicle? (Is there any Asian/China supermarket/store nearby)</li>

<p>Being an Asian myself, I know how you feel about needing stuff from like an asian supermarket. Theres a korean supermarket on Northwestern near College Station and Walmart in this plaza. If your living off-campus its better to have a car so you can commute to campus and park in the stadium parking lot or try to get a parking pass. You can go to wal-mart or wherever easier too if you have a car if your off-campus. Basically if your off campus I recommend you having a car. If your on-campus you really dont need one since the bus system goes everywhere, but the bus to walmart from campus(4A) is really busy everytime and if you live in the dorms excluding Harrison, McCutcheon, Earhart, and Shreve then its quite a walk to your dorm from the bus stop.</p>

<p>"My D wants to attend Purdue (its her 1st choice) How do you like it there generally..How are the academics and social life ?"</p>

<p>Well if it's her first choice then she will like it. I'm from New Jersey and Cornell was my first choice but since coming to Purdue I do not regret it at all. I think Purdue has good academics depending on your major, and there are some classes that can be a joke, but most classes are very good and you learn alot. The academics is good I must say, however academic advising which is somewhat essential in doing well at college is quite bad for my department(Hospitality & Tourism Mgt.) and that is why I'm switching to Economics. I'm sure many other departments in Purdue though will have good advisors. The social life is really good I must say, the weekends are always fun and looking towards to. Freshman year most of the parties evolve around fraternity parties however, unless you know anyone on campus that has a party off campus or whatever. Partying is not the only social thing but theres alot of other things you can do also thats social like intramural sports which is huge too.</p>

<p>"how hard is it to get tickets to basketball and football games?"</p>

<p>If you want the VIP Card (Basketball+Football Season Tickets) you should apply for it really early, I think they start selling it around May or June. It saves alot of money, and you get to have good seats at the bball games while having the chance to buy Paint Crew spots which go out really fast and theres a long line. If you buy the tickets by each sport for the season you use more money. If you have the VIP Card and know your not going to some of the games, then sell the games online like on marketplace of facebook for a few bucks.</p>

<p>"are you an engineering major?"</p>

<p>No I am not. I'm an HTM major switching to Economics.</p>

<p>You're a HTM major switching to Econ? Good luck man...that's a pretty hard switch to make...</p>

<p>Thanks man. I know its going to be tough, but when I study, I study. HTM i lost my interest in since it was a joke with the faculty and all. Econ was one of my other choices to study for years, the outlook isn't looking that great but the banks and investment companies will be rebounding back sooner or later. They will be hiring alot to get their losses back together, so yeah.</p>

<p>Sounds like the VIP Card would be perfect for me.</p>

<p>what are some of the stereotypes of the different frats?</p>

<p>Actually Jimgotkp, I disagree with you on the banks and investment companies rebounding sooner or later. In the past, investment companies were regulated differently and were often leveraged at over 50 times capital if I'm not mistaken. However, in October or November they applied for and received statuses of bank holding companies which now puts them under the control of the SEC (might have to double check on that one). But anyway, the point is that they won't be able to go out speculate at 50 dollars for every dollar they have anymore. They can only do what commercial banks do which is leverage at between 10-15 times which will definitely erode earnings. Therefore you probably won't see the ridiculous earnings of the past that got us into this mess. However, you will definitely have better job prospects coming out with an Econ degree than an HTM degree for sure...I think Ibanking is a little out of the question but consulting looks to be a solid career...either as a corporate consultant or a CFP for a retirement company (cuz God knows there's a lot of retirees coming due in the next 20 years). Good luck though...I wish I was still at Purdue...I wanna go to Noodles and Co next time I visit haha.</p>

<p>the banking industry will be in full stride by the time you graduate which = great for you.</p>

<p>what are some of the stereotypes of the different frats?</p>

<p>some of the stereotypes deal with pledgeship such as Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike) or BETA house that you need to be a really good looking guy since they are a huge partying frat at Purdue and have one of the highest social money, and their house is a mansion. it differs for all frats. it just better for you to rush them if your interested in greek life. just dont get used to the partying cause it will mess up your academics like it did to me. </p>

<p>but yeah msl2008 thanks for that info dude. i will think about that retirement thing though since you are right with how many retired people there will be with the baby boomers.</p>

<p>and yeah noodles and co. is freaken delicious.</p>

<p>My D is applying so I have some "Mom" questions!
Have you meet a lot of people from NY/NJ? What part of NJ are you from? How was the travel home? What did you do over Thanksgiving? Are there lots of kids that stay over the Thanksgiving holiday? What would you say is the actual travel time for you to get home?

<p>fly from indianapolis to NY takes the same time to drive from VA to NY.
some else said that here before.</p>

<p>Jimgotkp, you said that you're changing to economics. Do you know about their agricultural economics program? In general, do you know if they have a reputable agricultural department?</p>