Current Junior at Purdue- Any Questions about Purdue?

<p>My D is also in the Honor college and assigned a room at Shreve.
When she registered for BGR I believe she chose the day herself. She chose Saturday and from what I read, when the schedule says BRG check in, it’s the check in time for your dorm, which goes from 8 am - 4 pm .</p>

<p>Are you really required to take like 4 years of math at Purdue no matter your major? I heard that it was a requirement but it doesn’t seem to make sense.</p>

<p>I’m an civil engineering major and I don’t have to take 4 years of math, so that’s most likely wrong. Maybe you mean 4 semesters?</p>

<p>So when I was a freshman, we got to pick out bgr move in times ourselves. That’s was two years ago, and I think the last move in time was 1-3pm on Sunday but I’m not 100% sure on that.</p>


<p>I am an aeronautics and astronautics engineering major and never had to take one math class at Purdue because I had satisfied all of the requirements through Advanced Diff EQ while in high school. And even if I had matriculated with no credits, the most math I would have needed to complete my degree would have been six semester’s worth. </p>

<p>You can easily find the plan of study (all of the courses required) for your major on Purdue’s website. I actually encourage all freshman to really study it and know it forwards and backwards so they don’t make scheduling errors and have to take a 5th year to complete their degree.</p>

<p>Since people ask various questions here, I have one more ;)</p>

<p>Are there good grounds around campus for somebody enjoying running and bikes? For example would I find a nice 40-kilometer = 25-mile route surrounded by forests and nature?</p>

<p>I’m a fan of the trails in Horticulture Park, which is just west of the Purdue West shops. I’m not sure how long all of them together are, but you can find information about the various trails and such at the West Lafayette Parks website: [West</a> Lafayette, Indiana - Trails](<a href=“]West”></p>

<p>Are there any limitations as to time at which I can arrive on campus? Would it be fine to arrive at 1 a.m. or I wouldn’t get keys to my room then?</p>

<p>I think 1am would be a little… late for getting your keys.</p>

<p>In case somebody also wondered about this, 1 a.m. is fine at least during BGR international. I asked ISS office. So should be also during regular BGR.</p>

<p>Oh interesting.</p>

<p>How far would someone say the Weatherhill Lab is from the Phys building, walking wise?</p>

<p>Based on my experience and the map, I’ll say about a good 5 minutes fast walk.</p>

<p>Edit: IF you know where you’re going.
There is no weatherhill listed but there is a wetherill *</p>

<p>Any clue how much intramural sports teams practice weekly if at all?</p>

<p>In high school while playing 2 sports I averaged 7 hours weekly of practice with teammates, excluding official games with other schools. It was not much but enough to make me happy. Is it similar/more/less in intramural sports?</p>

<p>Intramural sports are just for fun with your friends/hall/club. Your team decides how seriously they want to be in terms of practice, strategies, etc.</p>

<p>Hello, I really want to become a mechanical engineer and I would like to attend Purdue University, outlined below are my stats/qualifications, please advise me on my chances of being admitted into the Purdue School of Engineering. </p>

<p>Basic info:
Class of 2014
3.9 un-weighted GPA
4.3 weighted GPA
I attend a selective private school (have since pre-school)
I live in state (Indiana)
Will graduate with honors</p>

<p>Special classes:
I will graduate with 6 AP credits and 3 honors classes
AP Biology
AP Calculus
AP U.S. History
AP World History
AP Language and Composition
AP Literature and Composition
Honors English 9
Honors English 10
Honors Spanish III
*All of the AP courses as well as Honors Spanish III are also dual credit courses accredited through Ivy Tech, meaning that regardless of my AP exam score I will receive college credit for those courses at every public Indiana school. For Example, I received a 97% in AP Biology, this will translate into a 97% in a biology 101 college course. </p>

<p>Other major-related high school courses:
Algebra I
Algebra II
Earth/Space Science</p>

<p>Test Scores:
ACT w/writing- 28 composite (english 27, math 25, reading 32, science 27, combined english/writing 27)
SAT- 1920 composite (reading 730, math 570, writing 620)
*I am a capable mathematician, however I am very slow, I feel that given a longer period of time with which to complete the math sections I would have scored much higher on those areas</p>

National Honor Society (since 10th grade)
Spanish National Honor Society (since 10th grade)
H^3 (a science club) (since 10th grade)
Prom committee (11th grade only)
Girl Scouts (since kindergarten) *I have earned the Girl Scout Bronze and Silver awards
Drama department (have been stage manager for the past 6 plays, since 9th grade)
I tutor younger students in math 2 days a week (since 9th grade)
Additionally I log a staggering number of community service and leadership hours through NHS and Girl Scouts</p>

‘A’ honor roll (past three years)
Chemistry award
Earth/Space science award
Girl Scout Bronze award
Girl Scout Silver award</p>

I can play the trumpet (was 1st chair for 2 years)
I am an avid reader</p>

<p>Most “chance me” are overly overrated. Considering engineering, you have a good shot. I recommend taking the sat (first one of the school year) and focusing on getting math sat up. Other then that your chances are absolutely golden. Just don’t slip up senior year and write a good essay.</p>

<p>I am a 2013 fall international transfer student who have not contacted with my advisor , and by the way, I major in chemistry, general.
So I want to know if there are anyone also study chemistry in Purdue in cc. I desperately want some advise. Since I have been studied chemistry in my native language for about 2 years, I don not really know if I can be suit in the English environment.
I am so nervous, and I love chemistry so much that I don not want to get a lower GPA.</p>

<p>What do you mean CC? Where are you from?</p>

<p>There are a lot of international students. Odds are you’ll find somebody who speaks your language. I had a lot of chinese and indian kids in my classes and the professor usually tries their hardest to make their material understandable. Go to office hours, talk with your TA and/or Professor and you’ll probably figure a system out.</p>

<p>^ I think he means someone within the College Confidential (CC) “community.”</p>

I’m assuming, based on your location, that you’re from the Shaanxi province of China. As Seirsly said, there are many Chinese students studying chemistry. The ones I know from my engineering classes have adapted well and have friends. They tend to study together and speak Chinese to each other, but do (what I think) is an amazing job speaking English in recitations, to other students and to their instructors.</p>

<p>Don’t be nervous! Join a study group to help with any language barriers.</p>