Current Junior at Purdue- Any Questions about Purdue?

<p>You always need a surge protector lol
And they recommend the first week of class</p>

<p>Wow, great to see my thread is still going! Sorry I haven’t been keeping up everyone but I think other users have filled in for me and I thank them! Hope everyone is having a great summer and future boilermakers are ready for semester to start.</p>

<p>I’ll be checking in every now and then! I saw a question about textbooks and thought I answer it. DON’T buy textbooks until classes start. Professors will let you know if you need to buy them or not. Also if you do need a book, use chegg or amazon. Bookstores have ridiculous prices and when you sell it back to them you get a 1/4 of the original price you paid.</p>

<p>Since semester is about to start, just wanted to give some tips to incoming freshman that I’ve learned throughout my 3 years at Purdue. </p>

<p>-This is inevitable, but try your best to not skip class. You and/or your parents are paying a lot of money to get an education. Might as well make it useful. I’ve seen too many people skip class and then they complain about their low grade.</p>

<p>-Never pull an all-nighter. If you have to, then you’re doing it wrong. Plan accordingly and don’t put it off till the last minute. I pulled an all-nighter for a final and regretted it so much. My brain didn’t even end up retaining anything.</p>

<p>-Sleep is your best friend. This kind of goes with the one above but stop studying when the benefit of sleep outweigh the benefit of studying more.</p>

<p>-Ask questions. People are afraid to go up to professors but they love it when you do. That’s their job. Ask as many questions as you can.</p>

<p>-Get involved. So many clubs/events/frats/sor here at purdue. Join something that interests you. You’ll meet so many people that way and make friends!</p>

<p>-Attend career fairs! I don’t care what your major is, go attend one. It’s good to experience one so when the time comes where it actually counts, you know what to expect.</p>

<p>-Exercise when you can. You’ll feel better mentally and physically. I try to walk everywhere and my whole time at Purdue, I’ve taken the bus less than 10 times.</p>

<p>-Start thinking about what you want to do. I know it’s your first year and you could care less about 4 years down the road but start to put some thought into it. I know I didn’t care much and my grades showed that. Now I’m working super hard to get a good gpa and I have but I wish I had made it easier on myself and studied a little bit more my first two years.</p>

<p>-Lastly. Enjoy your time guys. You wouldn’t believe how fast 4 years go by. I’m heading into my senior year and I remember my BGR days as if it were yesterday. You’re going to grow so much as person and you will change a lot as well. You’ll lose some friends, you’ll gain some, you’ll have some fights, and you’ll have nights you won’t ever forget. Just cherish those memories and try to enjoy the moment.</p>

<p>Awesome advice.</p>

<p>What clubs seem to draw the most people? Are there any particular ones that always seem to be packed with kids?</p>

<p>Well, it’s hard to answer that because you can’t really tell which club attracts the most attention because there are A LOT of clubs. However, I wouldn’t really worry about the clubs that attract the most attention, rather find a club that sparks your interest. That way you’ll meet people who have something in common with you.</p>

<p>How often to intramural sports meet or give an example?</p>

<p>Teams generally play once a week. Any kind of practices, etc. is up to you and your friends.</p>

<p>One of the best things I look forward to in college is the smart people. Not to sound pretentious but is the school known for being full of bright students?
2. What’s your favorite part about purdue?
3 is it actually challenging like I mean hard because I go to a top school here take the hardest classes blah blah like many others but really not challenged?
4. Do u find out who your room mate will be prior to going to purdue
5. As an out if state student how long would it take living there in the dorms to be considered an in state student so I would be able to pay for in state tuition
Thanks so much in advance</p>

<p>I am by no mean an experienced student but I know for sure three answer.</p>

<li>I would say it is made up of people who are smart with a mix of that state school style. I think I know why you asked though. I don’t think you will have those students who are “dumbfounded” as often at any colleges. </li>
<li>I been told that engineering is just so hard. And other majors isn’t gonna make thing easier. Safe to say that if you’re coming here you can’t just blow off work without having consequences.</li>
<li>You should know your roommate mid July. Personally I requested my roommate on Facebook long before. There were some student who are still roommateless according to 2017 Purdue Facebook page. But some of them been paired just recently.</li>

<p>In regards to 5:
You can’t gain in state residency by means of living in the dorms. You must have parents/legal guardians who live in Indiana. Also, I believe they must have moved there for reasons other than school tuition.</p>

<p>Thank you so much pitt13 and descuff you guys helped so much
Final question then.
As an out of state student how is their financial aid like I don’t want to have to pay a lot over 100000 for all 4 year years ESP for a non ivy school?</p>



<li>There are bright people and stupid people, just like everywhere else in the world. </li>
<li>I have an awesome co-op that will give me at least 22 months of work experience when I graduate, yeaaah buddy.</li>
<li>I’m in engineering. I am challenged by classes. Purdue’s average gpa is a 2.8 (out of 4.0). There’s no grade inflation.</li>
<li>Yes. You should get an email with their contact information a couple weeks before school starts.</li>
<li>Answered already. If you become an RA, I think you get instate tuition and/or housing paid for though…</li>

<p>I got a merit scholarship (Presidential) and a few random merit scholarships from my college. As long as I keep my GPA up, I’ll be graduating with around $60k or more given to me through my merit scholarships.</p>

<p>How is the work load like as in bout how many hours a night do you do hw
Also how are the chances of getting internships for civil engineering</p>

<p>Depends on your classes. Certainly a decent amount. You need to have good time management. </p>

<p>Well they’re offered. It’s up to you to win them… It of course depends on the competition and how many companies show up to job fairs. That being said, I got a co-op (basically 5 internships) at a big infrastructure firm.</p>

<p>Hey, is AlcoholEdu working for anyone else? It suddenly stopped working for me and I can’t log in… ._.</p>

<p>There has to be an email address you can contact. Hope it works out.</p>

<p>where is the cheapest place in or near Purdue for a men’s haircut?</p>

<p>How is the atmosphere for cricket in purdue</p>

<p>@viscy: I wish I knew that. I’ll be needing a haircut soon.</p>