Current Junior at Purdue- Any Questions about Purdue?

<p>Why did you decide to come to Purdue? What do you like/dislike about it?</p>

<p>Also where is the ironing board? Do we bring our own, does it come with the room or is it in another room or something?</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-VM696 using CC</p>

<p>Is there any internal transfer to chemical engineering from food science major?</p>

<p>dx101dx - I honestly know nothing about computer science at Purdue other thanine companies come to recruit people from that major. Also, the building is very nice. </p>

<p>Abbatrese - they’re ranked in the top 40 so not as highly ranked as the other programs. I have friends who are education majors here and they love it. </p>

<p>I came to Purdue because it’s basically a family tradition. My dad went here, 3 of my cousins and two uncles and one aunt went here. I’m from indiana, and there was no beating the deal on an engineering degree. I also love the atmosphere here. There’s so much diversity and stuff to do around campus. I really dislike the weather and the physics department and the whole grading on the curve that makes you compete with th other students in the math department. But other schools do that too, so it’s not just a Purdue thing. I love that I have friends from all kinda of backgrounds and different majors, albeit most are in some type of engineering. I love the history and pride people have in Purdue. Basically, I have no regrets with staying in state. </p>

<p>Descuff - there’s one in the laundry room</p>

<p>Michaelutomo - yes, there’s a process called codo or change of degree objective, but you first have to change to first year engineering and then you apply to your discipline. I’m personally going through the codo process now, just it’s in between engineering disciplines. </p>

<p>I apologize for any typos here as I just finished a ton of homework.</p>

<p>Also, michaelutomo - try contacting admissions and see if it’s possible to change your major before starting school.</p>

<p>Another serious question: ok my plan is that I got accepted into Purdue but I did not get into the engineering program. So I plan to go in as undergraduate studies student and basically take all the classes engineering offers first semester and then switch to engineering second semester (after an impressive first semester). How do I transfer in such a manner? Also would I be blocked from some classes since I’m not engineering or does USP offer freedom to ALL first year classes?</p>

<p>Sent from my LG-VM696 using CC</p>

<p>Descuff- the only class you won’t be able to take that you need would be ENGR131, so you could take an extra elective instead of that. The good news is that ENGR 131/132 is offered every fall and spring and maybe in the summer. And fall of your second year, you can take a class from your major simultaneously if the only thing you need is engr132.</p>

<p>This may seem like a stupid question, but can I buy bedsheets/whatever the heck I need for my dorm in the surrounding area of Purdue? My mom keeps telling me how I won’t be able to fit all that into my luggage, but I realized that, instead of buying it here, I could just buy it over there and make my life easier…</p>

<p>There is a great program at Bed, Bath, & Beyond (online or in-store) where you can “Shop for College”. You can purchase the items you need at a store near your home and then pick them up at the Bed, Bath & Beyond store nearest to your college. Be sure to sign up for their mailing list so you can receive their 20% off coupons they send out.</p>

<p>Sorry for not keeping up with this guys. I’ve been busy with studying for 3 exams this week and just got done with the last one. Thanks for answering naturaldisaster, feel free to keep answering, I don’t mind! I’ll give my opinion on some of these questions as well but I think naturaldisaster did a great job in answering them.</p>



<p>I’m not sure about how the CS program at Purdue is, I believe it is very good, though. I do have a couple friends in CS and they have pretty tough classes. The one thing about Professors at Purdue is, not to sound rude, they are foreign and can be difficult to understand sometimes. You’ll always have some good professors and bad professors that will make you want to rip your eyes out. Overall, most of the professors at Purdue are very good. You’ll have your 1 or 2 professor every year where they just care about their research and give crappy lectures where students are left off to learn themselves (could be a good thing).</p>

<p>Work load is very intense. I’m taking 18 credit hours and all I do is study. Never going to take 18 again, though. Be ready to work your butt off all 4 years. Freshman year is pretty tough just because you’re not used to doing so much and good time management is essential to succeeding. I’ve seen too many smart people drop out because college was too much to handle for them. Also, in HS getting an A was pretty easy. At Purdue it is very difficult. I believe we’re ranked high for the toughest grading system and low grade inflation. You really have to set yourself apart from your peers to get an A.</p>

<p>Building connections is pretty important in college. Befriend a lot of people because there’s a good chance they will be in your upper level classes and you can help each other out because that is when it gets real tough. </p>



<p>Sorry but don’t know anything about there education program. I do know a few people in that program and they all love it! </p>

<p>I choose to come to Purdue just because it felt like a second home to me. My brother went here and I loved coming up here and hanging out with him. It’s also a Big Ten school, you’ll get a very good education and it’s a big school with a small size feeling. You could get to the farthest side of campus in like 15 minutes of walking, which isn’t bad at all compared to other colleges. Also, recruiters love US! We’re ranked 4th in the nation for top colleges recruiters go to. The atmosphere during games is awesome. Very diverse student population. Great professors. The only thing I don’t like about it is the weather.</p>

<p>@momof3inwa: Thank you! My mom still doesn’t understand how this is going to work, but fortunately my dad’s helping me out.</p>

<p>The website says Purdue can rescind their offer if grades drop… do you think I’d be rescinded from dropping from an A average to a B? I mean, my overall is still an A (actually, my overall is pretty much the same as it’s always been), but I’m getting Bs in my four AP classes. Even from there, two of the AP classes dropped by a few points. I went up tremendously in one class, went up one point in another, and I’m scared of my grades dropping again. They also changed the grading system of some of my non-APs, which caused those two of those averages to drop a lot.</p>

<p>Also, is there a lot of homework at Purdue? Or is it more studying?</p>

<p>And do you have to live on campus first year? Are the apartments on craigslist reputable?</p>

<p>Sorry for so many questions!</p>

<p>alright so i know you talked about the dorms in the beginning of this thread, but hows windsor? i know youre a guy, but do you know if it is a nice dorm? I love the outside of it, and that it has a/c, and a dining court.</p>

<p>also, what are the best dining courts? what seems to be the favorite? thanks!</p>

<p>Lol! I can answer your last question based on what I was told: “also, what are the best dining courts? what seems to be the favorite? thanks”</p>

<p>Each courts is especially unique and have a different atmosphere and food. You might like one more then others or all the same or whatever. I can tell you in my visit I been to two different dining courts and have no trouble finding what I wanted in either. Though I like the one I visited the first time better.</p>

<p>I went to Earhart two days ago. I met a mix of American, Italian and Chinese foods (a little disappointed with the chinese food). Oh yea the vanilla ice cream wanted to make me get more on a full stomach but I ran out of time. It was sooo good though I only had a teaspoon of it. There were plenty of seating and you would have no trouble finding a seat unless you bring a group of 7 people lol. </p>

<p>I don’t remember the one I went to at first but I know it did had a large asian population there. Also there were a variety of Chinese food. I don’t remember cause it was 4 years ago I think!</p>

<p>Here is more info for what these courts are: [url=&lt;a href=“Purdue University - Dining & Culinary”&gt;Purdue University - Dining & Culinary]Locations[/url</a>]</p>

<p>My question of concern: I was at Purdue on the first and I saw an enemous amount of cops (wow I seen many but not THAT many). It was near the building where the Purdue for Me event was taking place. I heard that a bus hit something. Do any of you have any more details? I am going to assume it was some type of distracted accident.</p>



<p>Haha nah you’ll be fine. I’ve never heard of anyone getting their offer rescinded…I swear that’s just a scare tactic to make sure you don’t slack off your last semester. You only have to start worrying when you go from like A’s to D’s and F’s. I was initially deferred so I had to really make sure my grades went up and not down so I think if Purdue were to rescind someone it would be someone that was barely accepted to Purdue.</p>

<p>To answer your second question, mostly, yes. You’ll have to study a lot if you want to get an A. Some classes you’ll barely have hw and like two exams the whole semester that determine your grade. Some classes you’ll be pounded with hw, quizzes, projects and exams. Just really depends on the professor. As far as studying goes, yes, lots of studying. Finals week is where its most hectic. I’m usually at the library all day for a whole week, averaging around 5-6 hours a sleep.</p>

<p>Third question: I would highly highly highly recommend you live in a dorm your first year. You’ll get the experience and maybe meet some awesome people. I’m still friends with almost everyone on my floor from freshman year. The following year is when most people get apartments. I’m in an apartment right now and I love it but I’m so glad I lived in a dorm freshman year. I actually miss it sometimes. </p>

<p>Fourth question: Never been inside a windsor room but the main area is very nice. The dining court is excellent as well, very clean. I think Purdue has a website where you can take a virtual tour of all the dorms and see how they are, it’ll give you more of an idea than I can give you one! Here’s the website: [Housing</a> Choices](<a href=“404 Page Not Found | Purdue University Residences”>Housing Options | Purdue University Residences)</p>

<p>Just click on any dorm and then on the right there should be a link for a virtual tour!</p>

<p>Fifth question: Dining courts are pretty good at Purdue, lots of variety. About four weeks in you’ll get sick of them, however haha. My favorite was windsor. It had the best quality in my opinion and was the tastiest. For breakfasts, I would suggest hillenbrand or wiley. Ford is the best one but was too damn far away from Shreve so I went there like once the whole year. Earhart is pretty good at times, I love their make your own pizza line and grinder sandwich line. If you go to hillenbrand make sure to make your own quesadilla!</p>

<p>Descuff thanks for answering some questions and to answer your question yes we had a very bad accident that day. It was in front of Stewart and a bus hit a cyclist who wasn’t paying attention. It was really bad and he’s in critical condition right now. Here’s his facebook page if you want to get updates on how he’s doing. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>For computers, what do most students have at Purdue? PC, Mac, desktop, lap top, tablet?
If lab top, do students bring them to class or just use them in dorm room? Is tablet alone powerful enough to do all of your work? Is it safe to keep computers and other valuables in dorm room? Thanks.</p>

<p>To elaborate on Windsor, one of my good friends lives there, and I stayed there on a swe visit once. All of the buildings were renovated recently with the last one being finished last year. The rooms vary a bit in size as it’s a pretty old dorm and oddly shaped. So some are huge, but most are a pretty good size. It has a lot more upperclassmen than your average dorm because of there being some suites there and its proximity to campus. </p>

<p>For computers, I’ve seen both Macs and windows machines. I have a Mac and haven’t had compatability issues. Most people use laptops to bring to group meetings so you don’t need to all worry about clustering together in a computer lab. I’m not sure about a tablet for everything, but I’ve seen people taking notes on them in class before.</p>

<p>What should I expect at Star (no don’t point me to a link). I want your personal experience. And do we have to do this every year?</p>

<p>I came to Purdue the night before and stated in the union hotel and ate breakfast at Pappy’s. I brought my mom but you don’t have to bring a parent. We went to an overall welcome thing. Then a major specific one. You’re assigned a time to meet an advisor but after that you’re free to do whatever. You need to get your ID, register for classes, and take any placement tests. </p>

<p>And no you don’t do this every year. You meet with your advisor during the school year to register for classes every semester after this.</p>