I am currently a junior and I was wondering if my schedule is on track because I am planning to be a dentist. I have all A’s in my classes at the moment, so should I ask my counselor if I can switch to honors physics second semester? i am getting a little bit nervous because im not sure if it is too late too ask and I’m not in any calculus based classes to handle honors… all help is appreciated
edit: would top colleges get mad if i decide to take one regular class junior year but take all APs/Honors senior year?
AP Lang
Honors Algebra 2
Honors Spanish III
Senior Year:
AP Lit
AP Gov/Econ (both are one semesters each)
AP Bio
AP Psych
Honors Pre-Calc
Does your honors physics course recommend being in precalculus before taking it? If so, I wouldn’t switch to honors physics now. It might hurt you. It would be okay if you were in precalculus, but algebra 2 isn’t enough; it’s better than to be safe than sorry, after all!
If you would still like to do it or get more opinions, I would go talk to your guidance consoler.
Lol at my school they won’t even let you take regular physics unless your in precalculus, so I think your fine! And anyway, you don’t want to take AP physics (nor is it really need for dental school) so it doesn’t really matter that you weren’t in honors physics. 
Colleges won’t get mad at that. They just want you to do the best you can with what you have! Colleges wouldn’t expect you to take a calculus based course if you were not enrolled in at least precalculus! That would be unreasonable if they did!