<p>I included the words "hell" and "damn" in my additional statement for the common app. In context: "...I never dreamed I could have a chance in hell at." and "...I'm going to make damn sure that..."</p>
<p>Is this safe or should I take them out? I included them because my additional statement was short, passionate, and personal, and I thought they added a little oomph. But if its going to be a problem, I'd rather play it safe.</p>
<p>hell is well…ok i guess</p>
<p>but damn is risky</p>
<p>Those aren’t terrible. It’s not that risky and if you use it well, it will help the tone of the essay.</p>
<p>I disagree. Use more creative vocabulary. Those are cliches and give a disparaging tone to your writing.</p>
<p>don’t use words like damn and hell use some other words</p>
<p>Don’t curse plz it makes you sound angry in your writting :(</p>
<p>considering the context of those words, it seems pretty unnecessary. it doesnt seem like you’re really adding “oomph,” it sounds more like you’re trying to force a sense of creativity. you could easily remove them from both of those sentences and it will say the same thing. or, like tptshorty suggested, find something more creative to express your passion. swearing is inappropriate and informal, but more importantly it can be pretty cliche.</p>