CWT videos

<p>Check out these two videos about the Combat Weapons Team at West Point:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Now that's just badass</p>

<p>Still training to be prepared for selection but the more I hear about it, the more I realize the chances of a kid coming straight out of high school getting into the CWT plebe year are slim to nil</p>

<p>I guess it won't hurt to try</p>

<p>actually it probably will hurt to try.</p>

<p>think of it this way: you won't have to give up if you don't try at all.</p>

<p>Don't rule out some of the other military clubs. Right now, Cav Scouts is viewed by DMI as being the number one military club at the Academy (so said the Department Head in his briefing to the Club OICs). ITC is also a fantastic club with a really good new OIC. There's a lot of hype about the CWT, but if you want to go to Ranger School I'd suggest the ITC, and if you want to do Iraq-specific training I'd suggest Cav Scouts. Both clubs are doing some really good training (Cav Scouts goes up to FT Drum every year to to MK19 and .50 cal gunnery, is sending a team to the Army's Top Marksman competition in Ft. Benning, and does a total of around 5-7 FTXs per year. In addition, next year we're trying to go to either FT Erwin for Spring Break or the British Armor War College). This year the ITC went to Amsterdam to participate in the Dutch Air Assault School, and next year for Spring Break they'll be doing part of the Ranger Indoctrination Program.</p>

<p>Hey Marines4Me, what are your summer training assignments?????</p>

<p>you won't make it the first year you try out most likely. if you try out again, they will see that and it will sit well with them. just to let you know, their tryouts is extremly physically demanding and a lot of people don't make it through it.</p>