<p>Hey - I am a senior in university right now. This semester I missed way too much of one of my required PE classes and ended up getting a D+. I have good grades generally (and a 3.8 for my two majors)... will this D+ seriously hurt me at some point in the future if I decide to apply to grad school?</p>
<p>The idea that you need perfect, unblemished transcripts to get into grad school is a wild misconception. Lots of people get in with 3.0s, and sometimes worse. The committee looks at the totality of the application, and grades are just one part of the package.</p>
<p>Bottom line, one bad grade your senior year is nothing to worry about. :)</p>
<p>Obviously it doesn’t look good on your transcript, but if your GPA and other criteria are fine, then there’s no reason it should keep you out. Especially if they can see that it’s in a joke course like PE.</p>