D21 journey

You and me both!

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Ok, here are my guesses:

Vanderbilt, Richmond, Middlebury, Boston College and LMU!

I personally think she’ll end up at Vandy or Richmond :blush:

I’m with Momof3B.

I think she will be waitlisted at Vandy and will get off the waitlist around June.

I think she will be accepted to Colgate and will have a tough time deciding between Colgate and Richmond.

She will ultimately choose Richmond over Colgate and then be faced with the Vandy decision a few weeks after committing to Richmond.

I think Richmond is the winner because she will have made friends and gotten herself involved in the campus community by the time Vandy accepts her.

Will you be visiting Vandy? Will she be able to leave Richmond after feeling it was her school? That’s not so easy to do. Will she hold back until she sees what happens with Vandy?


All good questions. We have not discussed yet. My opinion is that she should take the waitlist at the schools she thinks she still considering if offered a spot and then we will visit those schools. Kind of odd to visit schools where you’re sitting on a waitlist and normally I would say she wouldn’t take a waitlist spot for a school she hasn’t visited yet but this year is different. So, we will visit the schools on her short list where she got in and the schools where she was waitlisted in April. That’s the only way to be able to know if she’d switch to any school where she gets off a WL spot after May 1.

Yes, you risk her falling in love with some campus where she won’t ultimately be accepted but it’s the only way she’d be able to decide so quickly if offered a spot in the summer. And it would suck to leave a roommate high and dry at another school.

Now, this is just my opinion. She has said multiple times that she just wants this over so she might pass on any waitlists and that’s ok too.


Your process has been very well thought out and strategic, so I think the waitlist is likely to be part of the final decision. It looks like there will be a game of musical chairs played and a lot of seats will open and close in June.


Well, thanks. And just because one takes a WL spot doesn’t mean they have to accept the seat if offered. It does make for more drama but it is what it is!

Adding to say that one of S19’s best friends took a WL spot at Vanderbilt and was off before prom, which I think was mid-May. So, even in 2019, Vanderbilt was taking kids off really early.


I’ll play too.

While contemplating her many excellent college acceptances, Homerpup gets a surprise call from the head of Julliard and skips college completely, turning pro after two years in NYC.

Livin’ the dream.


I’m willing to bet there’s going to be a lot of WL activity this year because some form of covid protocols will be in place, and these put a pretty hard limit on the number of students who can be on campus. When this happens, schools usually aim to be slightly under-enrolled on May 1 and then to use the WL to get to their desired number. Hoping that their estimates of yield from RD will produce that Cinderella number is just too risky.

But I am also going to guess that because of this, the decision time to respond to WL offers will be every bit as strict as it is in non-covid times. And that often requires a decision in 48 to 72 hours. They need to move quickly through their lists. So go into this with your eyes wide open – you are unlikely to have a month to find time to visit and friends to talk to.


What I was saying is that we would visit any school shes WL at in April. That way she can make a quick decision this summer if she needs to.

@homerdog , that comment was less for you than others reading this. Every year on these boards, there are gross misperceptions about how WL actually work. As in, it’s a form of a late RD round.

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If there was an odds board and wagering going on, I would put $20 on LMU, which is probably a 100 to 1 pick. I think it is a huge long shot. But in the unlikely event she finds a way to get boots on the ground there I think it will sell itself.


I have been following the journey with interest! I too really thought LMU would be a very strong contender, and will be disappointed if your family can’t tour. My guess is the “superstition” is around the Davidson choice, since that is the @homerdog favorite. Would be interested in hearing how cost is factoring into the decision since I seem to recall that Richmond would be much more expensive than other acceptances so far. I get the sense BC is not really a contender but Colgate is. Think Wake was gloomy and fell down or off the list.

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My D17 and I really loved Davidson and Richmond and they were in her top 3 after acceptances. Based on how you have described your D, I kind of think she’d be happier at Richmond. However, I’m also thinking that once she sees Vandy it might be game over, especially if she gets to chat with my S19 and his roommate. :smile:


@elena13 deal. If she gets in I’m calling on you!


Wow… amazing thread and so interesting reading about your daughter’s journey. I have D21 - this is all so stressful ; thankfully she has a cou0ple of good options under her belt so the rest of the waiting will not too stressful. I will be heading back and re- reading your posts when S22 applies next year. Great pearls of wisdom.

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I appreciate the waitlist information as I didn’t know how fast you had to respond. Seems like everyone is expecting a lot of waitlisting this year so good to be ready.

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Great journey story! Our D21s appear to overlap on at least 4 schools. With your recent Wake-Davidson-UofR trip, I am surprised by how I think you rank them (D then R then W), based on everything else in the journey story as well as having visited each of the campuses, some multiple times. But, who knows! I am sure your D will pick the right one for her and I do think it will end up being one of those 3 or LMU. Wake, Davidson, and UofR are very different schools based on who applies and gets accepted/matriculates from our school. So probably some of my perception of each relates to those factors.

@massmom2018 , it’s another reason NOT to join a WL for any school you’ve taken out of contention. It’s tempting to "see what will happen " but if you have an acceptance from school A, which you prefer to school B, and you accept a WL position at B and get the call, it can really make you doubt whether you prefer school A. Something psychological about getting something you thought you’d been denied… You can easily have a lot of drama in your life!


Thank you for sharing your D21’s journey so far. My D21 has applied to a few of the same schools (Davidson, Vanderbilt, Richmond) - none of which she has been able to visit. I appreciate your posts and I have learned a lot from the information shared by you and others in this thread!

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