<p>No, this isn't what you're thinking, but I was just wondering where I could find the admission statistics from dartmouth broken down state by state. It would also be helpful if I could see breakdown by race also.
<p>They don’t publish that.</p>
<p>Oh, I didn’t know that! I was kinda shocked when a classmate mentioned that dartmouth only accepted a total of 10 texan students. I don’t really know what the normal distribution is are, but 10 seems extremely low; if I had to guess, I would guess about 30-50 instead.</p>
<p>yes, some state by state data are published the factbook…look on post 2 of this thread for the link.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/dartmouth-college/613468-dartmouth-class-13-ed-acceptance-report.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/dartmouth-college/613468-dartmouth-class-13-ed-acceptance-report.html</a>
note that the data are limited to the states producing the most enrolled, but its better than nothing. In the Student Residence section.</p>