Looking online, it appears Dartmouth Comp Sci grads make a lot of money in their post collegiate jobs, but, online their program ranking is pretty low. Do you guys know why that is?
Not an expert. Just few personal observation after visiting the school and talked to people. The reason Dartmouth CS students apparently earn more than other higher ranked CS school students is that more Dartmouth CS students go to the senior management positions after few years. Comparatively, Dartmouth students are trained to be more well rounded instead of technical savvy. This explains the apparent conflict you pointed out.
One parent, who is also a top manager of a big company, shared his observation in a meeting. He hired students from many top schools every year and he observed an interesting phenomenon. If there is an important project to be accomplished, he hires students from MIT or CMU to lead the project. After a few years, however, he found the ones risen to be VP-like are actually from Dartmouth. Now he sends his daughter to Dartmouth to study.