I’m a prospective 22 at Dartmouth and was wondering what options there are for rooming. I’d really like to be in either McLaughlin or East Wheelock, but are they both hard to get into? Also, what does the rooming survey ask? I’d also like to be in a single, but does that lower my chances of being placed in EW? I’m really trying to avoid the choates or the river so any help would be greatly appreciated 
Hey there,
Housing at Dartmouth is pretty random, unless you apply for a LLC (Living Learning Community) which, I believe, are all housed in McLaughlin or you have some sort of medical disability that would put you in a single. However, don’t think McLaughlin and East Wheelock are the best housing. They are both pretty far from the center of campus, and while the Choates are also far, the Choates are close to the library and are right next to frat row. The river is about a 5-7 minute walk from the library, so it’s not too bad and you also get great dorms such as three room doubles. The rooming survey basically asks you how clean you are, when you go to bed, if you would share stuff with your roommate, etc
If I request a triple, am I guaranteed two rooms?
@scienceabc1 The majority of Freshmen are housed at Choates and the River so avoiding placement there is a roll of the dice. Housing requests are taken into consideration for medical, disability, gender inclusive and substance free as well as the aforementioned Living Learning Communities.
Requesting a triple does not guarantee you two rooms as the dorms do have single room triples. I would suggest taking a look at the floor plans for each dorm that are available on Dartmouth’s website to acquaint yourself with what is available and where. Single rooms we have noticed tend to go to Seniors.
I think less than half of the freshman class are placed in the Choates or the River. If you request a triple, and you get a triple, you are almost guaranteed two rooms. There are 1 room triples but are very rare. Don’t worry about housing, the campus is small enough and the facilities are good.