<p>well, let all 36 transfers be from this board this year! lol.... wishfull thinking... we'll all have to post when decisions are made</p>
<p>alright, let's help each other :D. A quick question, did you guys send in "supplements"? if you did, may i ask what you sent? i only sent commonapp + Dmouth supplement, is there anything else i should send?</p>
<p>I sent a writing sample because I put English-Creative Writing as my major.... I dunno if transfers were even allowed, it said optional for freshman but I didnt see anything at all about supplements for transfers.</p>
<p>i am a horrible writer, so if i write more than requested, it'll probably decrease my chance by 10%
I really don't know what to send :(</p>
<p>I don't have a terribly high GPA (3.5) so I was thinking of sending my midsemester grades. Maybe also my summer plans - I'm going to be interning at a magazine and going to africa for a month to volunteer with Unite for Sight.
Maybe this would just work against me though, considering if we're accepted we're probably supposed to spend our sophomore summer there?</p>
<p>^^ good plan Ella, i think i'll write something explaining my summer too, my gpa is about the same 3.3-3.5 so nothing to celebrate about :(</p>
<p>do you guys check your app stats everyday or is it just me?
when is it ever going to change?</p>
<p>lol ive only checked it twice one to see if it worked and two well just for the to see whats up. But i know they have a log of how many times you accessed it and when...........so?</p>
<p>censored :(</p>
Sha!T Sha!T!</p>
<p>lol all servers have logs. I am not sure if they will check it, if they do they will be who is this person who logs in every 2 minutes haha.</p>
<p>I don't exactly log on every 2 minutes, more like every 23hrs :(
i think i'll stop doing that</p>