Data Science

I’m heading to UMich next fall, and I am considering majoring in Data Science (undergrad). I’m good at analyzing information and retaining it, and it seems like an interesting thing to do. However, I’m worried it’s too narrow, or that it’s useless unless I have a Masters or higher, which I don’t plan on obtaining. If it helps, I am planning to minor in a vastly different field, such as biochemistry, economics, history, or a foreign language. I want to be able to “market” myself to a variety of industries.

Your diversity of interests should enhance your career prospects:

This university has had a graduate program in Data Science for some years and is launching an undergraduate program this Fall. Here is their presentation on why they are doing so. Expect people who do not offer the program to explain why it is not a good idea. It is standard operating procedure (i.e., STOP)
