Daughter was accepted to Stockton's Nursing program (New Jersey)...when should we submit deposit?

It is not her #1 choice but definitely top 3 (I love the price point and she really liked the campus). If it was her #1 choice, it would be a no-brainer, we would have submitted the deposit immediately. But we r still waiting for other schools, which are probably not going to be as cheap, even if she gets substantial merit aid (Catholic, Sacred Heart, Scranton). They only sit 36 Nursing students out of 400 applications so we don’t want to miss out.

She was also accepted to Marymount University in Arlington, VA for Nursing. We are visiting this Friday (good merit aid) but not a well known nursing school.

At my daughter’s college, they required a $500 deposit to hold a spot in the nursing program, but $300 was refundable if you cancelled before May 1st. I’d read the fine print. In any case, it is important to make sure you have at least one viable choice.

I ended up putting out $300 to ESU and then she decided (which I agreed with) to go to York instead – same reasoning though, she HAD a spot no matter what at that point. Like @Charliesch said, the $300 is refundable before May 1 (I am trying to make that HAPPEN now of course) – To me it was worth the money to be sure she had a spot – like you some of the other choices we didn’t expect to be affordable in the end. She got a letter from Pitt Greensburg yesterday offering $2000! On a $30k tuition it isn’t much help LOL

I’m surprised they would charge $30K OOS for Pitt Greensburg, particularly when I don’t believe they let you transfer to main campus for nursing.

We got a similar offer from Pitt-Johnstown…$2000-$3000 not enough to make a dent in that bill, lol. Thxs for the advice!

We got a similar offer from Pitt-Johnstown…$2000-$3000 not enough to make a dent in that bill, lol. Thxs for the advice!

@Charliesch I know! And they don’t even have a dedicated building there yet – I ‘assumed’ that maybe we would see some more merit than that — to make the gap in OOS and instate not so large but alas NO