Davis vs Berkeley vs Swarthmore

<p>Money is a big factor, as is academics. I still haven’t decided whether I want to pursue hard science or the humanities…</p>

<p>I got the most money from Davis, and it’s basically almost a full ride, which is SUPER enticing…but I’m still undecided about my major. I know a lot of people who go to Davis, and they mostly only have good things to say about the science programs. I also have issues with the location. It’s less than an hour away from my home, and I feel like it’s way too close. </p>

<p>Berkeley gives me the impression of being more well-rounded as far as academics go, but although they did give me a nice amount of aid, it’s still twice the price of Davis. I really love the town of Berkeley though, and until recently, Berkeley has always been my “dream school”. </p>

<p>I applied to Swarthmore just for the heck of it, totally not expecting to get in. Then I got an early write and a hefty aid package that makes it cheaper than Berkeley, but more expensive than Davis. I’m pretty much enamored with the whole small-liberal-arts-college vibe, but I also worry about being able to keep up with the academic intensity that Swarthmore is known for. It’s also in Pennsylvania, which is a pretty long way from Northern California.</p>

<p>I’ve visited Davis and Berkeley, and I know a lot more about these schools. I don’t have any personal acquaintances at Swarthmore, but I will be going to the admitted student days in April. </p>

<p>I have no idea how to pick between these schools, and it really doesn’t help that I still don’t know what I want to major in. Thoughts?</p>

<p>I think your choice should come down to Davis vs Swarthmore.
Berkeley is not a stroll through the park. I assume that Berkeley is just as intense as Swarthmore, especially in the sciences. The difference between being in a small setting vs large setting should make a difference.</p>

<p>I personally would choose Swarthmore. You’re lucky to have a chance to attend a school like Swarthmore for the cost of an instate public. I think the fact that your peers at a school like Swarthmore are going to be in the same boat as you (with the challenge of the intense academics) will provide an enriching and motivating experience. I think it’s easier to sink or swim at Berkeley. No one holds your hand at a large public university. At Swarthmore, I imagine it will be the opposite. Professors will notice when you are struggling and would probably go out of their way to help you.</p>

<p>PS you should post this under College Admissions or the Parents forum. You’d probably get more replies.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input, I’ll go do that :]</p>

<p>I’d go to Berkeley …?
Well I also thought of applying to Swarthmore just for the heck of it but my counselor discouraged me from doing so. She said the academics at Swarthmore are too rigorous – meaning that they are way too harsh on your grades and that I won’t have a good time in such a studious atmosphere. So in my case I might be going to Berkeley with my merit scholarship this fall if I don’t happen to be luck with the Ivies in a few days. (esperando en excruuciating pain these days lol)
Also, Berkeley has excellent science programs and you’ll be able to take advantage of them in case you choose to turn your acadmic interest toward hard science.
But my high school alumni who have gone to Swarthmore during the past few years have told me that the small-college environment lets you get along with every person and get to know many of your professors personally. I haven taken that as a big advantage because I don’t value intimate and serious person-to-person relationship as much as I do party time and fun. So – I guess you should also consider what kinds of things you value.</p>

<p>Hmm I guess it depends on the major, but Berkeley isn’t exactly known for parties and fun either. Many of my relatives/classmates did the premed/EECS/or bioengineering route, and their experience was probably just as grueling as Swarthmore is reputed to be.</p>

<p>so you are not going to attend a college because they are going to make you work hard to learn more about whatever you are studying?</p>

<p>what is wrong with this picture…?</p>

<li>UC Berkeley
<li>UC Davis</li>

<p>I would take the full ride to Davis in a heartbeat… but that’s just me. I would pick Davis over Berkeley even without the full ride, yeah, I said it.</p>

<p>I would take Davis right away if you get a full ride. lol. I wouldn’t even consider the rest. But thats just because I’m poor and don’t want to graduate with a debt lol.</p>

<p>It seems like you would be more interested in going to UCB/Swarthmore than Davis.</p>

<p>Cal and Swarthmore are very different schools and you need to decide whether you want to go to a research university or a liberal arts college. I honestly could not tell you which one to pick other than Cal would be cheaper if you’re in-state and Swarthmore has one of the lowest acceptance rates ever.</p>

<p>Other factors that make this decision all the more difficult:</p>

<p>-My parents don’t ‘get’ Swarthmore. All they really know is HYPS and the bigger UCs. They hate the idea of me going out of state, and they tried their darndest to stop me from visiting Swarthmore, even though it was paid for by the college. </p>

<li><p>I got Regents at Davis, so I get priority registration with classes and some other nice perks.</p></li>
<li><p>Though my Swat aid package is good this year, it will change if my sister does not decide to pursue medicine because my family will just have one kid (me) in college.</p></li>
<li><p>I…don’t know how to ride a bike! I’ll be screwed at Davis hahah.</p></li>