Day versus boarding financial aid

<p>Is it accurate the day student yield is higher than boarding?
What can be said about day/boarding status in relation to financial aid at the ten schools. </p>


<p>Yes, typically day yeild is higher than boarding.<br>
I’m not sure what your question is about FA, my understanding is it is treated the same way - they consider your need and the tuition (which is less than boarding). Your EFC is less if you are a day student due to the “savings” you have when your kid is not eating your food and you’re not doing his/her laundry!</p>

<p>Very few schools can meet all financial need. Some day/boarding schools provide almost no financial aid for day students because those students often do not add the same value to the overall student body (geographic or racial diversity). Even of those that do, those numbers may be misleading because they may include the children of faculty.</p>

<p>If a school has less financial aid available than the total demonstrated need of its accepted students you can expect that potential boarding students are the priority because 1) yield is lower and 2) the earned revenue (because boarding tuition is higher) is still greater.</p>

<p>If the unstated question here is - Is my child better off applying for financial aid as a boarder or a day student? I’d say the answer is boarder.</p>