Dayton Business School

How does Dayton’s business school compare to Miami Ohio and OSU? D1 loves Dayton. It seems like such a friendly and welcoming school. The business school looks strong but it’s probably not as well known as Miami-Farmer or OSU. Is this really something she should consider or factor into her decision or is Dayton’s business school equally strong?

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If they have a major that interests her, you can afford the school and she really loves it, it’s a fine university. If you want added info learn more about outcomes from the career office. Who recruits? Where do people end up ? Salaries. I’d say this about most any school by the way.

What you’ve been a victim of, in a lot of ways, is the marketing spin that’s overwhelmed us. Both OSU…large and Miami…in the middle of nowhere, are fantastic but also not for everyone.

If UD is for you in every way, then it’s a go!!


Undergraduate business school is mostly about recruiting & job placement. As suggested above, contact the career placement office for a list of companies that recruit on campus as well as for lists of recent years’ placements.

I know this is old, but what did your child decide on? We have these 3 schools, plus others, to consider for business.