Dead Souls - Gogol

<p>Anyone read it? Just looking for opinions before I order it
Thankks :)</p>

<p>Yes, I’ve read it twice, and it’s awesome.</p>

<p>Gogol is probably the most influential of all Russian writers, and it’s largely because his presentation of reality is completely skewed from our own world, making his characters all sort of victims of Gogol’s twisted mind. In a sense, Dead Souls is like a massive parody of life, involving Chichikov and all of the landowners.</p>

<p>Dead Souls was, incidentally, intended to be a three-part epic a la Divine Comedy, but he starved himself to death during Lent before that could occur.</p>

<p>There has also been some great literary criticism of Dead Souls, which you should definitely check out afterward if you enjoy it.</p>

<p>“but he starved himself to death” -> Lol, I remember this from one time you mentioned him as an example of a Russian author who died in a stupid way.</p>

<p>Yeah haha. Also, Pushkin and Lermontov both died in duels. So much pointless death.</p>