Deadline and scores?


<p>what is the minimum score for SAT and TOEFL iBT? and is there a late submission for the tests?
as an international student majoring in geophysics.</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>No test score minimums published for undergrad admissions, only the middle (50%) range of enrolling students. However, you can check the UW admissions website for the 25% to 75% SAT test score range to see if you are competitive. For the language skills they may not list minimum scores on the undergrad site, but you can get an idea by checking the graduate school admissions language test minimums. If your SAT scores are low plus English competancy issues you may have a difficult time succeeding. There has been recent reporting of Chinese college application agencies giving false credentials to get students admitted to US schools. Please be sure you are honest- it does you no good to have inflated test scores reported and then fail because you are not truly prepared for the US college experience.</p>

<p>UW admits undergrad students to the university as a whole regardless of their proposed major, school/college or stating none. This means there is no advantage/disadvantage in choosing any particular major. Listing a major only helps in assigning an advisor next summer for SOAR (orientation). All UW students are free to change their major at any time, although later changes may require more than 4 years to meet the new major’s requirements. Some majors require an application and acceptance based on the UW record and space availability. All majors require minimum grade standards in courses related to the major. You can find the information about each major on the UW website. Most students will be able to major in the field they want to. Some majors are competitive and limited by facilities- nursing, education and some engineering majors, for example.</p>

<p>You need to check the deadlines with the testing services, easily done online. The UW admissions deadline- by which time all materials need to be received by them- is February 1st. It is your job to take tests in a timely fashion so results are available.</p>

<p>^^you keeping say</p>

<p>"UW admits undergrad students to the university as a whole regardless of their proposed major, school/college or stating none. "</p>

<p>so confused when my freshman acceptance letter says I’ve been accepted in to the COE.</p>