<p>The postmark deadline for paper applications is December 31st. We will keep the online application Web site open through January 3rd, so that students who may have technical problems submitting their application are able to resolve the problem and still have time to submit their application. Please note that if you experience technical diffficulties with the online Common Application or Yale Supplement, you should contact the Common Application Help Desk directly by using the Help link on the Common Application Web site. The Help Desk is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Undergraduate Admissions Office will be closed from December 22nd through January 1st.</p>
<p>We wish you luck as you prepare to submit your application!</p>
<p>is it because they know the server will be uber busy cuz everyone will all be on at the same time, desperately trying to submit their applications before the deadline?</p>
<p>@the4ththe5th: exactly my problem (thus the deadline extended***?***)</p>
<p>the only way i stumbled onto that was doing a google search:
[yale</a> regular decision deadline - Google Search](<a href=“Google Search”>Google Search)</p>
<p>LOL. I can so see that being a fake website. Some computer geek ccer feeling down on his chances created a fake website to screw us over. That would be incredibly hilarious!! I’m gonna submit mine tonight!!</p>
<p>I think that’s fake, and anyone who don’t want to take crazy risks should submit by orignial deadline. If you go to the link, it says on top that you can find it by “Home>News>Regular Decision Application Deadline,” but if you back up into “News” there is no link for “Regular Decision Application Deadline.” I don’t think ppl should fall for this. :/</p>
<p>um…how will they know? well if you don’t send in an explanation of your problem, they assume it’s late.
send it in tonight or tomorrow night…don’t take the risk.</p>
<p>This looks like an old page that is still sitting around on the Yale website. </p>
<p>Click on the link in the OP, then see where it says: Home > News > Regular Applications deadline. Click on “News”. You’ll go to a page that has two items. Click on the “Quick Application Guideline” link. It takes you to Guidelines for the 2006-2007 year!</p>
<p>i’m going to agree, though i want the page to be real SOO badly.
considering that the office is closed until the 1st, i’m going to act like i never saw that page</p>