Deadline for Spring semester housing due date

so there’s only a month left til next semester, and I’ve been concerned about the due date for housing app for Spring 2015. </p>

<p>The website has the date for the Fall 2015. What’s the due date for Spring 2015 housing application? It seems like my visa is going to be approved soon(it’s fine as long as it comes out before the end of December) but i am afraid that by the time I get my visa, the housing app for spring 2015 will have been closed.</p>

<p>You’ve been through this before. Caution should/will be exercised this time…and nothing should/will happen until your visa is officially approved. So no one here can really answer your questions. You can contact Housing at UA with your questions, as they will be familiar with your case, etc. I’m pretty sure there will be a room for you, even after the application deadline, but that’s just my gut feeling, not a fact. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Paul…call Housing and ask them…and remind them that you were given a dorm before.</p>

<p>Paul, I really hope that your Visa is approved in time, but you’d been given great advice before about getting " all your ducks in a row first." Simply put this means take it one step at a time. I believe that you can’t even take that first step without your Visa bing processed. </p>

<p>Although, I realize that you must be anxious and you need to prepare just in case your Visa does come through in time, you don’t want to come back to Tuscaloosa unnecessarily. </p>

<p>See if you can call housing and get an idea if there will be availability, but perhaps (more importantly) you should be checking on the status of your Visa since the spring semester will be approaching soon.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, yall. I do know that I need to take everything step by step, but it’s just really hard and frustrating to do everything on my own. </p>

<p>So about calling housing today, the lady told me that there is no due date for the Spring 2015 housing…what? I shoould have asked her name, but I was just too dumbfounded. </p>

<p>Call back again, make sure you explain your full situation and specifically ask if there will be an available spot for you if your Visa comes through. Also get the person’s contact information.</p>

<p>I called again, and the lady named Claire told me that she couldn’t find the due date for Spring 2015 housing. She just told me to apply ASAP I get my visa. </p>

<p>There’s not a deadline, but new residents will move in Sunday, Jan. 4 after 10am.</p>

<p>Our offices close for winter break on Dec. 23 at 5pm, so I would try to have your housing application in by then so we can get your assignment before the break. If you’re still not sure about your visa status at that time, I would email Cathy Morris on Dec. 22 to discuss your situation with her.</p>

<p>Hope this helps,

<p>Janine: thank you for checking in on this forum regularly, your advice to students/parents is always excellent!! </p>